You know you're obsessed with yoyoing when

I’m not counting that one^^^ 326. when your worst enemy becomes your best friend because he yoyos.

  1. When you make a bed for your yo-yo and spend 6 hrs knitting a sweater for it when its cold.

how did it go from 326 to 363?

when you try to stock up on yoyo bearings and string and all that and making sure you have enough yoyo stuff (including yoyos) for when zombies attack and there is no were to buy yoyo string

when you yoyo in study hall

when you get your tutor in to yoyoing and spend half the time teaching him how to yoyo when you should be doing work

when you carry a backpack with you full or string,recording equitment,cw’s,and some junk yoyos if someone asks to use your yoyo

when you have an extra room in your house and you put all your yoyo stuff in there and call it your yoyo room

when you walk around the mall with your girl friend yoyoing and dont see here trying on the hottest outfits becuase your string broke and your rummaging thruoigh your yoyo pack for another string

when you cant see anything but yoyos. LOL :stuck_out_tongue: . IM NOT EVEN SURE IF THIS HAS BEEN SAID ALREADY.

When you make a video this good…,15612.0.html

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the dark magic yo yo is asowme

the dark magic yo yo is asowme
what does that have to do with anything?

  1. when you get so excited about a yoyo you buy 2.

LOL, that’s what happened to me. 337.When your on yoyo forums the whole day posting and chatting. And you watch a ton of yoyo videos.

I’ll one up you. When you have access at work full-time and you’re on chat and shopping for your next great throw.
338. You pause the TV that your gf is intently watching to show her your new trick.

  1. when you refuse to take the yoyo string off your finger when doing work like school or moving things.
  1. You miss your girlfriend’s B-day because you were yoyoing and she dumps you.(That almost happened to me but I like my girlfriend more)
  1. When you hang 100 yoyo strings through your betloop like zammy.

342.) When people start asking you about the skin on your middle finger… and they think something’s wrong with it.

  1. When you’re making up a trick, and you’re mom asks you to go empty the dishwasher, you say you’ll do it, but you just keep throwing, then you look up at the clock and realized that you were supposed to empty the dishwasher 20 minutes ago.

Good times.

  1. When you think far enough ahead to pack up clothes for a contest 3 weeks ahead, yet you forget school final test days!

  2. When someone says the name of a yoyo, you just smile and throw.

  3. When someone asks to see a trick and you show them your entire arsenal and tell them the history of yoyos, the history of you yoyoing and how they can get started. After a few seconds they stop listening and just are mezmorized into your throwing!

  1. When you take a yoyo with you EVERYWHERE you go, When you even take your yoyo to work with you to throw on your smoke breaks.
  2. when your hands ACHE from string burns not only on your throw hand but catching hand as well.
  3. When you budget to buy a new yoyo with every check, right after rent. (the phone bill can wait a few weeks)

350)playing yoyo while answering this post
351)playing yoyo while your in the W/C (i do that)
352)playing yoyo while hacking some servers
353)playing yoyo while eating :wink:

(i play yoyo 24 hr) :stuck_out_tongue: to answer this is so easy i can keep typing until the next morning

Why was this stickied?

idk, maybe icthus spilled the glue jar…