You know you're obsessed with yoyoing when

you know your obssesed with yoyoing when you keep bumping this thread.

You know you’re obsessed with yoyos when you buy a backpack because it has pockets that are the perfect size for yoyos.

yep…been here…got my new pack just this christmas for it…

Still love your sig…gets me every time :)!

when u see GT on a car and think green triangle ;D


I’m obsessed with yoyoing. So I refuse to let this die.

When you can’t take the string off your finger. Even when you poop. :smiley:

omg lol i literally have to finish a tutorial before I toss my yo and run for it lol

When your beater yoyo costs more than $30.00

bro my beater was like 150 lol :stuck_out_tongue:
yu know your obsessed when you missed the FG Gnarwhal 2s and can’t get over the fact yu bought clothes instead of yos :cry:

Hey look at that you guy’s bumped the thread for me.

You know you’re addicted to yoyoing when you bump this thread for Erik. :slight_smile:

When you dream that somebody offered to send you a summit for free, than you wake up and feel really happy, but then you’re like- Wait. It was a dream. DANGIT!

No joke that happened 3-4 nights ago. Weird.

you sit around on the computer and look for yoyos your going to buy in 4 months ::slight_smile:

^ this. I have about 10 open tabs in chrome just chronicling my yoyo wish list. Need to just convert it to an actual list…


I do that. :smiley:

When you know the yoyo just by feeling it spin :slight_smile:

When the house has old Yoyo string EVERYWHERE. I am finding some of mine on stairs, the bathroom counter, my desk, the floor, in my dogs mouth when he finds it ect.

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Being addicted to yoyoing is not using garbage cans? You should start a string ball.

when you’re username is yoyo