When watching yo-yo vids, you’re naming off the tricks one by one.
People at school start calling you the yo-yo guy(girl)
Your house is littered with string
You refuse to walk the dog
Dinging your yo-yo causes a hole in your heart
You can do tricks in the dark
Half of your youtube favorites are of yo-yos
You spend more on yo-yos than you do on groceries
You don’t have a bookshelf. You have a yo-shelf
You start a yo-yo boom in your school
Half your pictures consist of a yo-yo
A new CLYW yo-yo gets you more excited than a new girl in town
You own a Catch 22
You own two Catch 22’s
You stole 3 Catch 22’s
You have yo-yo battles
(I know I’ve used C22 a lot but this one just happened) When you see a news article with Catch 22 in it and the first thing that pops in your head is “C22 featured in the news?! ohwait…”
Pitch in with your own thoughts people
You start comparing prices to yoyos. Like Ohh… that new video game could get me a M1
When people say how much they spent on a new cell phone then you come up and say “hey thats how much I spent on my new yoyo!”
When you yoyo so much your girlfriend hates it and yells at you put it down then she turns around and wants you to teach her to yo.
When you have made or replied in “You know you Yo too much…” threads in more then 1 yoyo forum.
/innocent…first one. 8)
When you just bought a yoyo and start wondering what yoyo you are gonna get next.
(Jeromy K.)
May 15, 2009, 7:21am
When you mention a new yo-yo and your wife just rolles her eyes, because she knows that she can’t tell you no with out a lot of crying and pouting. Then I say What it is only the third this month. :‘( :’(
May 15, 2009, 10:26am
When watching yo-yo vids, you’re naming off the tricks one by one.
People at school start calling you the yo-yo guy(girl)
Your house is littered with string
You refuse to walk the dog
Dinging your yo-yo causes a hole in your heart
You can do tricks in the dark
Half of your youtube favorites are of yo-yos
You spend more on yo-yos than you do on groceries
You don’t have a bookshelf. You have a yo-shelf
You start a yo-yo boom in your school
Half your pictures consist of a yo-yo
When you just bought a yoyo and start wondering what yoyo you are gonna get next.
You start comparing prices to yoyos. Like Ohh… that new video game could get me a M1
These are all true of me.
when your friends make you calculate how much you have spent on yoyoing.
When your at work and spend more time yoyoing then actually working…
What I don’t do that…
May 15, 2009, 5:01pm
When You start begging your mom for some yo-yo stuff even though you’ve only thrown your speedmaker twice this whole month.
When you say ouch when your metal dings up
when you make a report on yo-yoing
when bring your yo-yo to school even though the conduct code says no yo-yos
when you say being a pro is what your goal is
when you want to go to CSU Chico for college
when you think yo-yoing will impress that cute girl at school.
May 15, 2009, 6:11pm
LOL I hope everyday that that will happen.
When knock your yoyo on the floor and you look at the metal for ten minutes searching for a scrath or bump!
,,/ (-_-) ,,/
Me too
That just happened to me today… I almost killed myself for putting such a big scrach on my M1 it’s like 1 and a half mm long!
May 18, 2009, 1:52am
Don’t worry. It’s Band-aid time! ;D
Are you serious??? What is this world coming to where a kid can’t bring a yoyo to school? I’m the only one at my school that yoyos so I don’t have to worry about that but that’s way to strict. I mean it’s not like you’re hitting people or anything. Right?
You know you yoyo too much when you look forward to a stupid class so you can yoyo instead of study. (yes?)
May 18, 2009, 2:25am
When watching yo-yo vids, you’re naming off the tricks one by one.
People at school start calling you the yo-yo guy(girl)
Your house is littered with string
You refuse to walk the dog
Dinging your yo-yo causes a hole in your heart
You can do tricks in the dark
Half of your youtube favorites are of yo-yos
You don’t have a bookshelf. You have a yo-shelf
You start a yo-yo boom in your school
Half your pictures consist of a yo-yo
A new CLYW yo-yo gets you more excited than a new girl in town
I do all the ones I listed,
When you have a YoYo in your pocket at a Movie.
When you make something for your Mom for mothers Day and use the extra money to get a yoyo.
When you yoyo with no yoyo or string with you when you are bored.
When you dream about owning a SuperStar (No really, I did)
When you watch a YoYo video and you run to get your yoyo do be like John Ando and forget about the computer.
When you get a new yoyo you forget to eat a meal.
When you go to a store you buy the cheap Duncan Yos.
When you use your yoyo as your safety “Blanket”
You throw so much 5a your fingers start to bleed about 5 minutes into throwing. >:(
You have had 5 black eyes.
You find A project in your bed. :o
Your closet is full of yo-yo shirts. :-[
May 18, 2009, 3:45am
…when you have teenagers tell you “you yo-yo too much”.
…when you think silicone is a response system.
…when you can name ten different yo-yo companies- easily.
…when you think thumb grinding is something cool to do instead of some form of torture.
…when someone ask “What is that hanging from your waist?”.
…when you need two looping yo-yos to make life interesting.
…when your dead tired, but still typing a “You know you yo-yo too much when…” reply on a yo-yo forum.
May 18, 2009, 7:52am
you can never yoyo too much…