Yoing = calories burnt?

Hey thanks for finding these numbers man.

I think I’m going to put it down to 40 calories per 15-20 minute session I have.
I think I was being unrealistic with the numbers I’ve been putting down, so that’s why I was asking here on the forums.

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Glad I could help, Buddy :v:

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There is also the fact that while calories might technically get expended doing, well, just about any activity, the body doesn’t trigger important hormones, enzymes, and protein releases that contribute to weight loss, body sculpting, and overall fitness unless a (rather high) threshold of exertion is exceeded. My exercise routine probably does not exceed this threshold, and neither do every day activities that might theoretically burn 300-500 calories. Expending calories does not equal physical fitness. The process for attaining health benefits from physical activity is considerably more complex and involved than simply moving and sweating a little.


I remember feeling as if I burnt plenty of calories while learning certain hooks!


I burn more with fixies. Lots of near-squats when trying to catch them flips and stalls.


If you yoyo the entire time you are participating in a triathlon, you’d be amazed at the calories you will burn!


Yes… yes>

And if you juggle yo-yos for 6 hours straight while tap dancing on a fire pit, that might ‘burn a few calories or extremnities’ also🤓


Honestly, it’s tough for me to be serious, often.
That being said, I’m going to be seriously honest with what I say next. I would say the closest thing to actually burning calories of any appreciable number or respectable rate short of doing actual exercise would be a competitive player that’s practicing his for a routine on a big stage but he’s having sort of a bad day. In which case he would probably spend half of his practice session running around chasing his 4A yo-yos as they roll in various directions. Now if you’re practicing for 4A and you’re stooping over and running back-and-forth on a stage literally hopping off the stage and chasing your yo-yos into the park or into the seats then I would say you’re getting a work out. The other choice would be somebody like Yoshi. MikaMoto. His 2A routine he’s got some acrobatics in it and he moves all over the place when he throws as a Shu Takada and a couple of the other Japanese players. I would say those guys burn some calories . But even if you throw single-A or three A or 5A for two or three hours at a time I don’t really think you’re burning much. I believe you’re generating positive endorphins when you generate endorphins that heightens your sense of happiness and enthusiasm. When your body is not bogged down with stress it has a tendency to be more effective in burning calories even when you’re not doing much.


Yes. I think the stress/psychological/spiritual benefits are probably more beneficial to health than the straight calorie burning. Like someone else mentioned, yoyoing instead of snacking is win-win.

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I’ll track my first 4a session in the park and post it here if I remember.


Really bad 4A in the park. I’m 5’11", 280lbs.

Basically lite jogging and some squats and bending over.


My fitbit watch sometimes thinks i’m “swimming” when i’m having a rather intense throw session. I always find that kind of funny, maybe i’m “flowing” really well? lol


Not so much the calories, but you’re not sitting. A sedentary lifestyle leads to health issues.


This is true. Circulation is hella-important.

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I definitely burn a decent number of calories when I spend an hour yo-yoing to intense music.

Around the body combos, hop combos, horizontal, behind the back horizontal, railing combos…
After even 15 minutes of these my heart rate is up, and I’m sweating.

It depends on what your tricks are. If you’re doing kwijibo and wrist mount wrist mount combos, I doubt you burn much more than you would just standing there.

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I’m toying with some 5a basics right now.

I burn hella calories chasing the damn yoyo around!



Technically, your body is always burning calories; maybe not at the rate of intake.

An “average” person will burn about ~50 calories an hour just standing and talking.

Taking that into account, you might burn ~12+ calories in 15 minutes of yoyoing.

Daily recommended calorie intake for “average” adult is between 2000-2500. If you yoyo for 16 hours it would still equate to ~800+ calories burnt.

If you’re looking to lose weight yoyoing, you would need to decrease calorie intake and yoyo quite a few hours a day. It’s not impossible, just impractical.


If I could through like the World Champ I watched on a video recently that throwing loopers with both hands, I would burn some serious calories. He was doing serious gymnastics along with yoyoing all over the stage.


Looping by itself probably wouldn’t burn much calories as it just becomes second nature after a long time of practice and doesn’t require a lot of energy. But those gymnastics are definitely going to be burning some serious amount of calories.