WORST yoyo in the world

Worst YoYo in the world is the one that you’re not playing with.

Best YoYo in the world is the one that you’re playing with.

Make best of what you have.



Defiantly, well said.

You’re more than welcome gamin.

Not dissing anti yo or Northern Spin company but I remember Sunnys approved list of yo yos and also a HSYY review saying that the BSP is terrible mabye not the worst, but certainly the biggest waste of 200$+ for me the Northern Spin Company Helix, untuneable vibe, odd finish, stability was probably the only thing going for it, my AYCE(aka metal tres leeches 50$ at triple crown) blows it out of the water, so glad I dot have that thing 200$+ that was worth about a 40-70 first metal

Might have been a defective one, I remember most of them being pretty damn smooth.

BSP is one of my all time favorite yoyos…

I didn’t like the BSP but it played pretty good.

Most duncan yo-yos are bad unless there counter weight which aren’t
bad for a start how ever so there some of there looping yoyos are pretty bad unless they have a ball bearing which my Duncan speed beetle does and it works great it is really smooth and has a little sleep time which is good

what do you mean most duncans are bad i love all of my duncans the echo is one of my favorite sub $70 throws and there other throws are amazing too

Anything made by Duncan. :wink:

all this duncan hate… dang!

I’m not a huge fan of Duncan, but they make some pretty decent yoyos. Why do you guys have to be haters?

yeah. and the metropolis… that thangs sexy!

note I had the word unless it is dot dot dot I said most not all which is just me cause they seem overpriced to me

Duncan makes some solid throws! Have any of you tried the new flipside? It plays so well for like, 15$.

its really annoying when someone types like this dont you think its hard to comprehend what they are saying but i don’t know what you mean duncan is pretty cool

Seriously though, I think Duncan is awesome.

No, no, no, no, no. Nothing wrong with the Duncan Imperial.

How does this thread improve the yoyo-ing world? do we really have nothing to do but start threads that are meant to put down companies and spread negativity?

it should really die. Not kidding.

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Henry’s cobra