Duncan's best yoyo and worst yoyo. Explain why

What do you think is Duncan’s best and worst yoyo?


I’m curious to see how people reply to this I have several Duncan yoyos and like them all. Only thing I don’t like is the logo on the imperials rub off to quickly



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Not a fan of the imperial. Sucker for a butterfly. Loved the freehand al.


The Duncan Reflex is awful. Haven’t played anything other than a butterfly, which was pretty chill, and butterfly xt, which was meh.

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For 1a unresponsive I really love the Windrunner. Great price & performance.

Butterfly is nice cause you can give it to little kids - it doesn’t come apart into small pieces. I like it more than the Butterfly XT because of this, actually. The bearing doesn’t make it play much better, but it’s a liability for children.


Well, my favorite is the trusty Mg and like most normal people I suck with an Imperial.


Wish I could try an MG one day.

I like the Butterfly a lot, and the Wheels is cool.

I tried the Orbital, and it was nice. Other than that, I haven’t tried any of their modern yo-yos.

The worst to me was the Ballistic.


Another good Duncan throw was the Avenger. Great for modding.


I havnt thrown many of their yoyos but for me, i really didnt like the butterfly XT. I actually enjoy tossing a imperial from time to time. I havnt tried any high priced throws they have, im just personally not at the level of skill to need a 100 bucker. I do absolutely love the Windrunner tho, one of my all around favorites, usually my EDC.


Nothing for the Duncan grasshopper x? Worst is the reflex. The reflex is just a child’s toy in my opinion, and doesnt hold up for very long.

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The Haymaker X seems to get a lot of respect. Could it be Duncan’s best throw right now?

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Forgot about the flying squirrel ! Great pocket 5a throw.


Freehand 1, Haymaker 66.

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The Wheels has been one of my favorites as well.

Remember when I first bought one of these from GA States. Good memories, wish I still had that squirrel counterweight, Steve Brown is a genius for the things he came up with when he was at Duncan, I’m sure those counterweights was his idea.

I’m pretty sure I’ve got a spare squirrel cw somewhere around the house.

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