Wood is Good

same here.

@ jhb8426 - thanks for the feedback on the RD-1.  Not quite the feedback I was hoping for (“OMG, it’s sooo awesome, best wood EVAR” would have been much better…), but I’m still tempted to pick one up.

I’ve never really had trouble using poly on wood.  I use cotton now - but before, when my “normal” 1A strings (either highlites or plain white poly) got a bit gunky or worn, I used to transfer them onto my wood axles.  They do break, but so do cottons…

Does anyone have experience with this - it’s a yoyo blank cutter that you can attach to a drill press and then “drill” out yoyo halves:

A friend of mine is a fairly well-known knife maker, and he has all these gorgeous African hardwoods that he uses for knife handles - I wouldn’t expect these yoyos to play particularly well, but it could be fun to try out a bunch of different wood types and turn a bunch of these for some friends.

Brother, you roll with me and you’ll be burning through polys in no time.

Truthfully, I haven’t experienced it because I haven’t even tried a poly on wood. I was just reporting a common issue so that new people like myself don’t post things like, “lol wut happened 2 my yoyo. It liek destroyed my string lol,” without understanding what actually happened.

I might be promoting misinformation, but it’s probably best not to risk damage. We don’t need another Anti-Yo type scandal. People breaking lamps, faces, hearts, and whatnot.

I did the poly experiment. I guarantee you can melt poly with a wood axle, you can melt poly with a fixed metal axle like in an Imperial, takes a bit longer but it will melt. Just find a safe place for the yo and surroundings, a nice lawn for example, and melt that string!

Not specifically with that cutter but I’ve had similar items. Since it’s got carbide cutters it’s probably ok, though they will wear/dull too. Plain tool steel would dull rather quickly and the cut piece would come out pretty rough. One thing is to make sure the tool speed is high enough. Higher speed = smoother cut.

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we used something similar to cut the original prototypes for what became the ‘eh’. did em out of red oak in spyy-steve’s garage along with gary longoria. one of my favorite yo-yo days ever. my protos have burn marks from where the yo-yo’s got stuck or slowed the bit down, but it worked great and was basically the birth of my fixed-axle 2012 concept.

as for poly, i’ve confirmed that i snap it quick using wood, but i tend to throw really, really hard (which is why i use type 10 cotton). honestly, i even have problems with thin cotton because i tend to scorch the axles. i think most players would be fine with poly and certainly with slick 8. personally, i just really dislike the synthetic feel of poly when i’m throwing wood.

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Thanks Ed, somehow I missed that blog entry of yours… I think I may skip the RD-1 and see if my missus will get the drill-press attachment for me for Xmas… looks like I could have a lot of fun with it. As I mentioned before, a good friend of mine has all these really beautiful African woods, I’m getting excited already!

As for the poly / cotton debate: either strings have changed or my playing has changed in the last couple of years. Two years ago I had no problem using poly, but I slipped one on today and would agree - they do seem to snap much quicker. I’ll have to do some more experimenting.

Whoever came up with the name of the title thread is a genius.

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Thanks buddy, I just call it like I see it.

anyone know what wood jensen is throwing?

I think I may get a wood yoyo. They look like a lot of fun. I’ve been playing my Butterfly and I think it would be cool to get a wooden yoyo.

I looked at the TMBR store and I like the look of the Lovejoy and the Baldwin. What can you tell me about those two?

Oooh I don’t know why but wood looks great as a throw I dont know why though

I read somewhere he made it. But that may just be another rumor about the guy.

Because it’s fun!

wooden yoyo are quite healthy for me, and have collected lots of them as follow:

I find we can find more here(seems an english taobao agent)
link removed

Those are Diablos

Nice Chinese yoyos!

Aren’t those diablos?
Correct me if I am wrong

Diablos and Chinese yoyos are two different names for the same toy.

I thought a chinese yoyo was a water balloon with a string tied to it. Maybe I’m just crazy… for some reason I remeber them to be that…