Wife raged and threw yoyos in the pool - Discuss

My wife accepts them, and tolerates them, but I think she still gets a little embarassed if I start throwing while we’re waiting in line at the market or something. I think part of the problem is I naturally pull out a yoyo if I’m having to wait for something or someone. In the old cartoons we watched as kids, the characters would yoyo to show that they were bored. Bugs Bunny would look up at the sky, start whistling, and start throwing a yoyo when something or someone was taking too long. If pull out a yoyo while she’s looking at shoes, I’m NOT trying to hurry her up, I’m just entertaining myself. But she would think of Bugs, and think I was being impatient with her, and get upset. It took a while, but we’re passed that now. Like I said before, now when I pull one out, she just askes what I’m stressed about. She’s never going to be interested in throwing them herself, but she understands why I do, and is OK with it.

do we have the same wife?

do we have the same wife?
If so, is there a place on YYE I can report this? ;D

I’m at Disneyland right now(well, not really. At hotel, running late…)

We go to Fantastyland. That’s a concept the government understands: it’s magical and make believe, where anything can happen! However, the goverment has never let something as trivial as money prevent them from doing things. My main data comm clients are government and I work hard to NOT waste their money and in fact SAVE them money, which they thank me by paying me late and renewing my contracts.

My wife has chased away most of my business and friends and even my family, although I have to admit in defense of that, my family was doing what they could to push me out anyways, so I guess it was mutual? Whatever. I basically had to start from zilch, but that’s OK, I’m used to being kicked down and having to claw and scratch my way back to the surface.

Some people just have issues. We can’t avoid it. Women just tend to be more vocal about such issues. I want to spend more time with my wife, but she’s got a major attitude and she makes efforts to drive wedges between us because she can. It’s part of the double standard of “I can treat you like a doormat, but don’t you dare knock me off my princess pedestal” type stuff. But, my point is men can have these issues too, but we just don’t behave the same way about it.

What many people don’t understand is I work a 24X7X365 lifestyle, where stuff happens around the clock. I gotta take the work when it comes landing in my lap. When you’re self employed in a dynamic environment, you have to take whatever you can whenever you can. Club owners and idiot bottom-feeder “promoters” get sold on a DJ when they needed a sound production company and I’ve had to do lots of bail-out jobs as a result. Computers break when they break. Networks go down, gear needs to be reset, clients wait until the last second to do transfers… Am I going to be forced to choose between spending time with my family or providing for my family? There’s a tough one. Eating is nice. So is having a place to sleep.

So, I’m lucky that 2 of the 4 kids are into yoyo. The third is showing interest but is too young. I tried showing her gravily pull but she wants to do “trouble or nothing” or “Jamaican a Mess”(her version of Jamaican Flag).

I’m off. Wife back to hotel room. Time to walk to Disneyland from the hotel.

My wife doesn’t “like” me playing yoyo, but she knows it keeps me happy.

I yoyo for many reasons, to clear my mind, to think about a tricky situation, to challenge myself and connect to other people. I don’t want to sound like a new age hippy, but yoyoing is important to my mental and spiritual stability.

As the pillar and rock in my wife’s life, it is important that I am stable - and my wife recognises that yoyoing helps me achieve this.

From what it sounds if it isn’t yoyo’s it would probably be something else.
Like you said with WOW…

I’m not married but im 23 heading fast to the real world with a 7 year girlfriend. She doesn’t like my yoyos but she tries to be into it. I think the fact that she does that at least makes her a little more interested since she has some knowledge about it. Like she can name my throws and some that I want. For instance I told her the other day about someone who offered a ridiculously bad trade for my Canvas and she had a good laugh. Maybe you need to get her more involved or have her understand your yoyos aren’t going anywhere… and that a yoyo wouldn’t be put before her…

Maybe ask her to give an example how your yoyos have hurt her/upset her/went before her and if she has any merit then stop doing what bothers her. ???

I now know that when looking for a wife in the future to be looking for some one that understands and respects yoyoing and doesn’t mind me throwing every now and again.

seriously, if men weren’t so disgusting (and a few other things) I would have gone gay.
women sometimes make simple things so complicated.

sometimes I just envy gay men because they don’t have to put up with all the nonsense that comes with women in a committed relationship. Sometimes it seems like the wife(s) are just looking for trouble when they’re bored or something.

I’m only 13 but i think your wife is mean

It’s all about respect. I might get a look when I order a new throw, but my spouse knows it’s something that brings me joy, so she tolerates it. Besides lot less expensive than Warhammer etc…lol

Here’s what I did, I handed my girl a yoyo and said figure out which hand is ur throw hand. She did, and now throws daily :slight_smile:

First : This should be in “Unrelated” since it only mildly is yoyo related if you look at it at the right angle and there is a full moon.

Second: The title you chose will ONLY attract underage readers, so I am changing it.

Third: Prove you can keep this mature, and I won’t lock it. I don’t want to have to moderate a sex related reply again.

Next one will result in a ban and a lock

was this in regards to what i said? because it wast sex related, I havent read the whole board, just the first part of this topic, which is what i was replying to.

naw it was me dude. :wink: unless you got a pm too.

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Lol I don’t like the new topic! Also how is it unrelated this is all about yo-yos! lol it’s all good.

Oh yeah, changing it to “Wife raged and threw yoyos in the pool - Discuss” won’t attract younger viewers? Change it to something like “Boring Domestic Relationship Problems”.

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the original title was definitely sending away the wrong message (and probably got the forum referenced a few pages higher on the wrong keywords ^^)

I’d go for “boring domestic relationship problems”

the current title looks like there’ll be some youtube vid of a couple fighting and the wife gone mad, throwing stuff in the pool.

back on topic -> how is it now? you had the chance to sit down and sort things out?

tbh, if I knew it was going to be that way, I’d never got married, focused on getting rich and for my older days, I just would have “bought” myself some young golddigger just to have fun. The only good thing from getting married, is the kid.