Why The "Peak 2" Dislike? / P3AK HYP3 Thread!

We are almost coming up on another 10 years since the Peak 2 release

P3ak will be just shy of 20 years of the original if we see it next year.

Just for context


My favorite Peak is the plastic one! :see_no_evil: :joy:


the real Peak are the friends we made along the way


Speaking about sequels. I wonder how close/different the AtDesign’s rendition (the 54mm one) is to the series 1 Peaks.


it is amazing. it is near perfect. it have original peak strong solid spirit, but feel like the ultimate improve version of it. when I recieve this, I didn’t even know it was supposed to be similar to peak. first thing I say to self was “wow, this is like a really really really good peak” after one throw. then I realize it was inspire by this original thing.

it is so good, and it is so “peaklike”. i suggest to anybody who want peak peak1 experience (ha) but cannot budget for it to look for one of these asap. if 3rd gen OG peak is charmelion, this is charizard.

if OG peak is 7.5/10 to me,
I rate this at-design a true 8.5/10. their bearing seat really sucks and gets grind down and it feel gross to open though so I remove 1 points from perfect 10,but it is amazing and I keep it with my peaks collection because it is resemble them so much in play and feel!
wish it come in cool splash like peak, then it would be true perfection.

i hope this help


Thank you for saving my thread! :laughing:
there was a disgusting amount of malice.


Well I think they figured out a compromise lol.

What a ride

We’re all just here like



Excellent! Now I want one )
Many thanks!

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Well that was a fun read.


So this might cause another argument :joy:

I think the AT Design Mono is as similar to the Peak as the Peak 2 is in a different way. The Peak had a unique combination of “floaty” and “hefty”. The Peak 2 leaned more towards the “floaty” characteristic of the Peak. The Mono plays with a bit more heft than the Peak in my opinion, leaning more towards the “hefty” side.

The Mono also has a bit more kick back on the initial throw than the Peak and Peak 2. I would say both the Mono and Peak 2 are equal attempts at sequels to the Peak, it’s up to you to decide if you want a yo-yo that plays lighter or heavier.


every comment make kaede richer :pray: :pray:
i make $20 today maybe

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The character you chose for me captures my fair skin perfectly.


I love to work around the adjustments
 This is exactly the reason I play a lot of organic.


we are cute together !
:handshake: truce for all thing peak passion


Well I didn’t anticipate this was gonna cause such a ruckus, I figured folks would be excited to hear about the P3ak, didn’t think I was going to make such a mess.

I have this tendency to write the way I speak, and an equal tendency to assume that when I’m talking to other yoyo people we’re all more or less operating with the same general context. That wasn’t the case here, and I apologize for dropping a turd in the punchbowl and then blithely wandering off to hang out with my family.

There is a tremendous amount of nostalgia around the original Peak, the original Freehand, and a lot of what came out in that particular era, and I don’t think any of us did a very good job with those yoyos. They were improvements over what was available at the time, but I’ve always considered that to be mostly an indicator of how bad yoyos were at the time! Almost nothing from that time period holds up for me. I get a lot of people waxing poetic to me about how great the original Freehand was and I’ll be the first to say that I had no idea what I was doing when I designed that yoyo, I got kinda lucky, and it still wasn’t very good.

The Peak has always felt the same way to me. Great profile, great shape and size, never liked the way it played. Chris tried to gift me the original Hoodride Peak at a contest and I thanked him but declined because throwing that yoyo hurt my wrist because of how it hit the end of the string. I think the Plastic Peak with Luftverk is the best Peak made to date, and I think it far surpasses both the original and the Peak 2. In fact, in talking to Chris about what to do with the P3ak my suggestion was “make the Plastic Peak in metal” and he agreed. Because it keeps the look, feel, and personality of the original while fixing some key weight distribution issues but not making it play too much like a “modern” yoyo.

The original Peak was magical, but IMO that was because of Chris. The way he approached it, the way he presented it, the transparency and open earnestness of the whole project. He just wanted it to exist and he willed it into life and he did so with the full weight of his beautiful personality behind it. Everything that I do with Caribou now is in service of his original vision, and while I may not look back and think every Caribou release was a winner I definitely have nothing but love for every step that brought us to where we are today, and for every one of you who carried us here.

Apologies if I seemed disrespectful of people’s nostalgia and warm feelings for the original Peak, that definitely wasn’t my intention. I just always felt like it was a first step, and we aren’t done with that journey yet. If we do it right, I think the P3ak will be what the original was always meant to be, and I think it will finally close the loop on where we started and where we’re going.


thank you for this such kind message to us mr. unklesteve
we have great excitement for p3eak and our enthusiasm for clyw is always deep since beginning
have a goodnight :gift_heart:


That is the greatest thing you have ever said, like

Apology accepted; we’ve got more punch in the back.


Fingers crossed still the P3ak being made from 7075 isn’t completely ruled out! I wanna be able to beat the crud outta it


I am an absolute history nerd; unfortunately, I like yoyo more, so I hardly know much about history-- anyway.

This thread has taught me more about the Peak than the Peak 2, though I now know enough about the Peak 2, I was delighted to learn so much about the Peak.

It definitely has a very rich and sweet history; I’ve never met Chris, but his smile and personality is highly contagious, even through a computer screen, and I think I can see that the Peak is “Chris in a Yo-Yoℱ”

I’ve never had the pleasure of throwing a Peak, but it definitely looks very interesting, and it’s very beautiful. owning a Peak is only something I can dream of, even if I come across the funds, I just can’t justify paying that much for a yoyo.
maybe I’ll stumble across one someday or even receive one as a gift. but for now, it is basically a Cryptid
 something unachievable. I don’t see myself making it to a contest/meetup anytime soon, so it’ll be a while before I even try one, but I hope to
 maybe someday.

I think I understand now that the Peak is not just a yoyo, it is a piece of history, and a pleasant one at that. I hope to own one eventually.

Oh, and I also hope that the P3ak is made from 7075, I too tend to beat the living soul out of yoyos.


A smaller Plastic Peak in delrin plz