Why The "Peak 2" Dislike? / P3AK HYP3 Thread!

Alright, I want you to throw out all of your experience with the OG Peak for a second, and then give me your honest opinion on the Peak 2.

What do you think of it now? is it actually a bad yoyo? or is it just a bad sequel to the OG Peak? I think it looks like a fun yoyo, and I can actually afford it.

what do you think? please post your opinions here-- I’d like to know.

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Reason: Didn’t meet people’s expectations because it plays pretty different to a peak

Is it bad as a yoyo: No


I’ve always said that if they simply called the Peak 2 something else, it would’ve been much more successful. (But side note… I’m pretty sure I remember Steve saying the Peak 2 is a Top 5 model in terms of overall sales for CLYW, so I guess that’s a moot point lol) But anyway, I think the Creep is a better successor and feels more like a Peak 2 than the actual Peak 2. I love both yoyos though, Peak 2 is honestly a great organic yoyo if you ever have the chance to pick one up.


if you remove peak name, it’s a average unimpressive yoyo
feel empty, hollow, overall pretty badly design yoyo (i say as someone with few hundred yoyo). play skiddish and empty to me. what make OG peak what it is: is it is solid like mountain. it is the peak mountain spirit. peak 2 doesnt have any notable trait. just airy and empty. i hope you can understand how i say this. dozens of yoyo i trade away that have this feel. generic organic. nothing notable about it other than machined well and very smooth (any yoyo can be this thing)

when you consider it supposed to be part 2 of one of the (debatable) most iconic yoyo ever made, it hurt some people.

I would like to add that OG peak is not an amazing top tier playing yoyo by any mean. But there is still very specific qualitys that make it unique enough that people are willing to pay $600-$1000 for one, despite BvM come from same era, and fewer produced (more rare) selling for 1/4 peak price. There are unique qualities that make it a peak. all of those qualities are completely MIA with peak 2. (heavy, solid, aesthetic, unique finishes).

it does seem like a rush-job cash-grab using peak name and aesthetic to cash in without putting the effort to make something worth the name. it do not have to be like the original, but I can just tell the project effort was not there. marketing no’t there, design was not

if it does not have peak spirit, why call it peak 2? lots of clyw look like avalanche, doesnt make it avalanche 2. similar hub, similar design. hope this make sense

remember, one drop project 2 was a very welcomed and fun improvement to project 1, and many were happy with it. It retain ethos and spirit of project 1, but shake things up a little and give me another flavor of project when i get bored

I was not looking for a 1for1 peak with the peak 2; although that would have been nice for people who cannot afford to experience original peak hypes. but the delivered product is just overall average service for modern yoyos, and it is everything the original peak is not - beyond nipple and basic shape.

the metal peakhand is a better homage and feeling to the spirit of the peak, than peak 2

I was curious myself. I bring peak 2 to contest and let some people (maybe dozen) try that have never try or own peak 1 before. few said it was good. Most say it meh/okay. it was interesting. but this my anecdote so you can disagree which many of my forum hater probably will just for the sake of argue with me like they usually.

peak 2 ok. its not a peak, not a proper successor. just average organic yoyo that look peak inspired

unbias rate I give it 5.5/10 standalone yoyo without any connection to OG
4/10 if consider their goal was to actually make improved peak v2

hope this make sense

thankyou for reading, please be nice to me i try to be nice about this syoyo


Anybody that ‘Hates’ a yo-yo needs to adjust their Thinking Cap…

A yoyo is a toy. If a person has 10 toys, no doubt if challenged to come up with a list,most could tell you which toy they like the most and which toy they like the least.

But I don’t think Hate should have anything to do, even with the toy they like the least

Ok…. The Peak 2. Consider this, I would make an educated guess that of all the people that have thrown a Peak 2, less than half of them has ever even touched an Original Peak.

If…… ‘if’ that ‘guess’ is even Ballpark close, that means at least 50 percent of Peak 2 responses/opinions, have no basis in comparison testing.

People say, I heard the Peak was an amazingly good yoyo. And, uh, I heard the Peak 2 was very sad follow-up design.

Ok, that’s what ‘you heard’.

The Original Peak was not an amazing yo-yo. It’s a good yoyo no doubt. It was never considered a Great yoyo, Even by Chris himself.

The Peak 2 was a follow up design that was made to address some minor performance negatives of the original design. It was designed by the same person and vigorously tested before it was released. The Peak 2 is a good yoyo. It takes a lotta heat for no good reason.
…They are different yo-yos. Even if some don’t think the ‘2’ is a noticeable improvement, it certainly isn’t worse.

I’ve had at least 3 Peaks over the years. I gave them all away. I didn’t sell them. I gave them away to people that ‘couldn’t live without one’, lol.

I still have my Peak 2’s.

Even the plastic Peak is a good yoyo.

‘Hating’ yo-yos is much too dramatic than warranted in describing your dislike for a toy.


People tend to be very nostalgic with rose-tinted glasses about these kinds of things in general. With any kind of change to the design being dismissed on instinct by many.

I’d say if you’re interested then don’t worry about it and just give it a go (though fyi, CLYW are apparently planning a P3ak for sometime next year afaik). Just be aware that it’s still basically a design from the mid-2000s so adjust your expectations to match.


So basically, in making those statements you were making a couple of conclusions that are not in the proper alignment

You give the peak to a 5.5 out of 10 as a standalone yo-yo with no connection to the original.

The peak two which was designed by the same exact person that started and owns the company you give a 4.5 out of 10 when considering his attempt was to make the peak two a better playing yo-yo

So basically what you’re insinuating is that the original designer having the original design to work with and being a very good player in his own right without needing anybody to do any testing for him… Completed and thoroughly tested the design Of the peak two, and after concluding that the peak two positively addressed a couple things, he didn’t like about the peak one, you are willing to downgrade his entire effort in his attempt to make a better yo-

I would give your unsupported by facts opinion a 4.5/10 for validity.


I think what I say is totally fair. i don’t care what original designer say or intended. designer sometimes miss their mark since dawn of engineering, and it is my own opinion anyway, you no need to care so hard. agree or disagree, but it is sad to for you to try and invalidate my thoughtful and substantiated opinion that come from my experience, just because you dislike me

I will simplify this in easy car term for you to understand Mr yoyodoc, my brother is design engineer in automotive industry

Giorgetto Giugiaro
Designer of one of one of the most iconic sought after car in history, Delorean DMC 12 (1981) - literally the clyw OG peak of car (not amazing performer, great aesthetic)

Giuguaro completely nuke his automotive design career when he unveil his “2014 Giugiaro Parcour”, and everybody realize his ability to translate his older ideas to modern design was not to par for execution of his original ambition

I’m wrong to say car #1 is beautiful and timeless, and #2 looks like an ugly children’s toy? just because the designer himself designed it this way and think it an improvement? he is now free from criticism? this is your argument to silence my fair opinion about peak 2?

not saying this is car case identical to peak case

but something to keep in mind because you rudely attempt invalidate my opinion on a post asking for opinions just because you have some grudge against me

thankyou for reading


First of all, let me tell you something that you can understand. There’s an old saying, and it goes like this.

You don’t know me well enough to not like me.

You give your opinions on this forum. Nothing wrong with that.

Nothing wrong with you understanding that I have my right to give my opinions on this forum.

If you give your opinion first, and I give my opinion second and it doesn’t agree or a line with your view, that does not mean that I am automatically right. And that does not mean that I am automatically an authority to derail your opinion.

You obviously feel strongly enough about your viewpoint on various matters, that you are willing to step up and type out your opinions, knowing that is possible someone else’s view may not align with yours.

That does not mean you are incorrect. If you say something simple like 2+2 = 4. But you say now that I mention that I would like to support my own theory that I feel that is incorrect. Two and two is only four because people have been brainwashed into thinking it is

Obviously, you would be instantly pounded by 99% of the people that may read your post because in mathematical terms we’ve all come to believe that that is a fact that does not sway from the logic behind it 2+2 = 4 in the mathematical system that we mostly come to all learn.

Now that being said, when you present your viewpoint about a yo-yo compared to another yo-yo, no matter how strong your view is in your comparison of strong points and weak points and likes and dislikes that is still just your opinion, and not necessarily supported by a multitude of facts.

You say that I attack you because I don’t like you. First of all, I don’t know you. Why would you consider my having an alternate opinion an attack on you? Are you that thin skinned that if somebody disagrees with you that you feel attacked?

So, if you and I in about 10 other people with yo-yo related interest, we’re sitting around a large table silently, and in order to break the silence you decided to say something that you might find interesting to others based on your experience and what you’ve heard from others. And patiently for maybe 10 minutes we listened to you talking about the peak and the peak two and the peak three and peekaboo and Whatever else, etc. And then you decided to say well, that’s what I think

So if me or anybody around the table said well, you know what I don’t exactly think that same way. I think this and I think that and I think a lot of stuff, but it doesn’t really align with what you’re saying.

So you give your opinion first on something. And then somebody else speaks up and says they don’t agree with that line of reasoning, which doesn’t mean they’re right you’re wrong… It just means that you see it one way and somebody else sees it an alternate way.

You’ve already mentioned to the forum in another thread that you were successful in generating a revenue stream in several different endeavors. Even though I may not agree with your opinions on this yo-yo forum, I would have to be a monkey’s uncle to think that you were an idiot And at the same time be financially successful in several different endeavors over a period of years. You are obviously a pretty intelligent guy. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you, stepping up to give your opinion or your insight or your theory subjectively or not depending on how people are gonna approach and or accept what you say.

But I would say that it’s somewhat shortsighted and narrow minded for you to switch to an accusative posture and presume that I don’t like you and that’s why I take possibly alternate positions concerning something you’re speaking about.

So what you’re saying basically is old Mo doesn’t like me so it doesn’t matter what I say, He’s gonna make something out of it. If I say black is black and that’s a fact. Moe’s gonna say well black may be black but if you really stare at a wall, that’s painted black it’s not that black if you know how to look at it. Not because I wanna be right, but just because I don’t like you and I want you to be wrong.

If you think for whatever reason that I’m trying to intentionally hurt your feelings by having my own opinions that might not be in align with yours, I would suggest that you contact a moderator for this board or contact Andre directly through yo-yo expert.com and tell him that Mo is picking on you. Tell them that I am disagreeing with anything you have to say because I don’t like you and the only way that you can be wrong is if I tell you how right I am.

Something like that should get the ball rolling in your direction.

Then somebody may contact me and say, dear Mo, please don’t post your own opinion that may seem like it’s attempting to derail someone Else’s opinion because it may hurt their feelings if they find out that everybody on the planet doesn’t agree with you.

I’ll make it easier on you. I’ll watch for your posts And I will agree 104% with absolutely everything you have to say. And I will argue to the death with anybody that has an opinion that doesn’t align with your point of view.

And that way sometime down the line you and I can become wonderful friends and may end up going fishing together.


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yoyodoc, you literally tell me i am not allowed to have my opinion. why are you typing 1000 word essay like we just have simple difference of opinion i cannot handle.

you did not simple disagree with me and say “oh, well I like the yoyo you do not like!”… you essentially say I am not allowed to have an opinion and anything I say is wrong because I did not design the yoyo or agree with designer like you lol…

you can just accept my 5.5/10 and 4/10 rating and share your own opinion of what you rate peak 2. that is what a difference of opinion looks like. not arguing with someone why they aren’t allowed to have opinion lol. which is what you did to me, and nobody else here in this thread. i didn’t attack your opinion and tell you why how that you like peak 2 is wrong. that is your behavior.

I rate peak 2 5.5/10. don’t care if chris (or you) think it was improvement, I don’t think so. That is my personal opinion. you can give your rating and leave me alone. nobody is right or wrong. nobody is barred from giving opinion simply because “the guy that design it thinks otherwise”.

this is a you thing, you come after me and pick this apart and tell me why I’m not allowed to feel a certain way about a yoyo. if you don’t see how that feel targeted then I have nothing to say.


I think its more about the lack of anything new. Need to sell something let’s make a different peak.

Capped Peak wasn’t that far away from a metal FHZ.


@yoyodoc i don’t see where anyone is claiming to HATE peak 2.

If this was expressed elsewhere then please forgive my assumption. In reading the above, it appears that folks agree, Peak 2 was an ok yo-yo that just missed the mark.


I liked the Peak 2. I used to have a Maple Drip back in the day. I enjoyed it more, but the Peak 2 spins longer. The original had more float. I enjoy grinding and bind regens and the original checked those boxes better.

I won’t ever drop the cash for an original, but I found the Overture to be a worthy Peak replacement for myself.


@yoyospirit did a review years ago CLYW Peak 2 Review- Will it live up to its predecessor's legacy

I’m kind of a Fan of Peak 2, as compared to the Creep its smaller in the hand, its also easier to collect as there were a few runs with good numbers, still would like to get a Sand version.

Another similar thread about Peak 2 Can Peak 2 replace Peak? - #18 by Exmime


It’s pretty common for artists to not quite understand what made a certain project a success and fail at recreating it.


I really enjoy this conversation, it’s like a discussion of what “intangibly” makes a yoyo good.


I’ve always thought the same thing. It’s all mental. When I was telling myself that it was just another yoyo, I really liked it. When I told myself that it’s a new Peak I didn’t care for it. It was dumb, I know, but our minds and eyes can do that to us.

I am looking forward to whenever the Peak 3 comes out, I thought I heard it’s going to be closer to the original. I just hope it has high walls like the original.

It’d be nice to be able to buy a “new” OG Peak with modern machining. So many haven’t been able to play one. I’d do a preorder only to get a couple if CLYW ever did one that was an exact copy again. Love that yoyo.


So…… does that mean we aren’t going fishing together?


So, what you’re all saying is… I should sell my soul and get an OG Peak? sounds good!

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That’d be a memorable fishing trip, that’s for sure