Why so few yoyo girls?

I totally forgot about Katelyn Anton. She yoyo’d years ago and did fairly well in different competitions between like 2005-2008. I don’t think she plays anymore though? I could be wrong.

I remember her name but it was in my noob years… I haven’t heard anything about her in the last several years so I’m assuming she quit.

dang you seem to remember all the older yoyoers! (then again I shouldn’t be surprised I mean I have only been yoyoing for 3 years give or take.)

I’ve experienced that when you’re involved in certain hobbies with such a low female representation you tend to see that a lot of the female players actively seek each other out. Sometimes it’s easier to converse with those you can relate to on many levels.

There’s Brena in this vid

There’s also a girl on the sOMEThING team and the MagicYoyo team but didn’t feel like checking for those vids.

jennifer baybrook is another that comes to mind

Sarah Jenkins isn’t active with the community but I know still throws locally

We have another local that throws with Michael Montgomery and I know has shown up in a couple of his vids

Some other people that I’m not sure are still active:
Farrah Siegel
Helane Zeiger
Jen Niles
Jennifer Kouri

searching for youtube videos of people playing the Duncan Hornet (found three) and a peppy girl named Mai Kurihara happened to be in one.

Oh yeah there’s on we totally forgot McKenna zentner (then again there’s probably a reason I forgot about her until now.)