Why doesn't YoyoExpert develop their own throws?

Just a random thought I had, seeing how many small startups are producing high quality throws, I’m surprised to see they haven’t stepped into the space.


IIRC Andre said that the main reason he first opened up the store side of YYE was to sell his signature yoyo, the Dark Magic - as that was the throw he was using in all the tutorial videos. So in a way, while not being specifically YYE branded, it’s kinda been done before. Would be dope to see a YYE branded throw tho, exclusive only to here. I assume it hasn’t been done yet due to Andre being the busiest person in yoyoing tho haha… he runs YYE (store and the forums), the brick and mortar store A to Z Science and Learning, NYYL, contests, and has a family… thats’s A LOT already. A yoyo company on top of all that would be insane.


You don’t need to make excuses for Andre. Laying out the whole laundry list of all the things that take up his time that’s just a copout. Andre has plenty of time to start his own yo-yo manufacturing business. Come up with about 15 or 20 different models at all different price points and sell the heck out of them.

He can start a business anytime he wants to.

The only thing Andre has to do is put his mind to it and spend some quality time getting his own personal signature your company going.

The only thing stopping him is after he made all the calculations he came to the sad realization that he can only dedicate seven minutes a day to increasing his yo-yo empire.

His only other option would be to learn how to sleep with his eyes open so that he could multitask.


He mentioned his reason right here maybe 2 years ago and it was something along the lines of him just wanting to support the yoyo community and yoyo manufacturers. I have no idea what topic that was in…it’s here somewhere!


For now we’ll have to make do with YYE colors… and the RBC is still in stock… I don’t understand why it’s not sold out yet…


More collabs like this would be nice:

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Because he’s smart bro! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It’s something we have thought about in the past and may happen at some point, but first and foremost we like to showcase and promote the creators as best we can. Better to support and help out the companies in our community than just focusing on selling our own products.


If it happens all stock would be gone the same day.


That’s the reply I was hoping for!