Why Do You Yoyo And What Do You Love Most About It

Dr. Tom Kuhn called it the “state of Yo” back in the day and I just thought it was a new age hippie thing when I was a kid. Now I understand. Plus it’s still fun after all these years. And there are so many tricks now compared to the 80’s


My favorite part is always pushing myself to learn something new. Especially the tricks that make me want to give up because when you hit said trick, you just can’t beat that feeling


I really don’t remember not having a yoyo. I’m throwing at least a little seriously since I was 10, and I’m almost sixty. Sometimes I’m into learning, and sometimes I’ll stick to what I know for a few years. I was serious in the late 90 through 01, they laid off till 2 years ago. Fun to see how yoyos and the tricks that can be done have changed. I like m skill based hobbies- magic, guitar and yoyo.


I’ve always wanted to learn to play guitar


It’s a fun hobby and the more tricks I learn the more fun this hobby becomes! With more tricks more ways to develop combos become open to me and I can be more expressive with yoyoing.
And I’m at a point where I discover tricks on my own! Learning a trick by discovering it yourself is super satisfying.


Learning is definitely the best part about the hobby in my opinion. Learning a new trick just feels soooo good!


I yo-yo because I like yoyoing. And the thing I love most about it is the yo-yo throwing part.

I think the very best part of throwing yo-yos is throwing blindfolded in the back room full of my girls’ antique vases. Very suspenseful.


I got into 5A just so I could throw in line, anywhere. No need to take the time to tie the string onto your finger. I really liked that unique option. Still do.


Are you actually doing 5a or are you using a 5a setup to do 1A? I would be worried that I may hit someone while doing 5a while standing in line haha


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Yo-yoing for me began about 5 years ago. When I was starting to yoyo I had a responsive Duncan hornet I knew nothing about yo-yos and how to play with them correctly and after a lot and I mean a lot of practice I mastered the basics And got my first unresponsive yo-Yo it was a Duncan origami I had so much fun that I could not stop playing and learning new things every day but about 3 years ago I kinda naturally stopped yo-yoing and picked up other hobbies but now I’m glad to be back I found my yo-yos in my closet and tricks and memories flooded my mind and I couldn’t help but yo-yo again and down to this day I continue to learn new things every day and be the best that I can be. and that’s my story thanks for reading :+1:t2::wink:


I love yoyoing because it is such a fun way to keep busy. I love hobbies that take a lot of skill, I always take the opportunity to learn something new and yoyoing is one that has stuck. I never knew that such a simple toy could be so revolutionary. I love to share my hobbies and interests with others, whether it is doing it with others or entertaining. Yoyoing is a great way to do that (I’ve never met another thrower here in Alaska so people are always impressed with my tricks no matter how simple). I’m a nutshell, I like yoyoing because it is super fun and it’s a way I can escape and be in my own world for a little bit.


Great story. Similar to mineeeee… I stopped throwing 5 years ago and got back into it 4 months ago. Have learned more in the past 4 months than since I started throwing many years ago.


This is a crazy old video from when YYE actually did a forum video contest about this. Despite 6 years of time a lot of my answer still holds true to this day YoYoExpert 'Why do YOU Yo-Yo?' Contest - (Erik Kerber) - YouTube

Yo-Yoing is a huge passion for me. I love the community that yo-yoing provides, I love the creative outlet that it gives me, and I also love the chance it gives me to relax and take a break from work or other aspects of life. Spending a solid 15 minutes just throwing a yo-yo makes me feel super refreshed and allows me to return to whatever other task I’m doing with a new set of eyes and renewed focus. One specific example is when I’m editing a video, whether for my personal channel or for work. Sometimes I just hit a creative block. It helps so much to take my eyes away from that video timeline for a few minutes and instead throw a yo-yo and try some new tricks or experiment with new elements. Somehow exercising creativity in this different and unique way just refreshes my outlook on the video project. I’m able to plan out parts of the video edit in my mind as I yo-yo and then return to the project with new ideas that I can execute.


Yoyoing always helps me come up with new ideas as a filmmaker


I yoyo because it’s fun, it’s a challenge, I can teach others, and I have the chance to create something new. Oh yeah, it also makes me the most popular kid in school :slight_smile: