Why Do You Yoyo And What Do You Love Most About It

You just can’t beat that feeling of landing a trick for the first time!


You have some beautiful yoyos


Great answer. Can’t wait for this shirts


Very motivational advice, but in truth, no. By trying you can achieve much more than if you dont, but a major part of adult life is realizing what you can and can’t do.

Though in relation to yoyo, I had a huge problem with Spirit Bomb since the beginning. I wanted to land it the second I saw it. Im a big DB fan so I even like the name, but the trick just looks so satisfying to land. 2 years later, im finally nailing it consistently. Such good feels. But at this pace ill never win worlds. I wont even place. But I don’t care, cause I know where im at with yoyoing and it is fun for me.


I think you could win worlds if that was a goal of yours and you were willing to do anything to achieve it. We all have different goals in life. To me, it’s all about how hard you work at something.


To me, it’s about the fun of always finding something new. I started really getting into it around 2014, but had yoyo’d from an early 2000’s boom here in the Philippines. The Shutter was revolutionary to me. Budget metals started getting good when I used to look at metals as something unachievable on a starving college student budget lmao, plastics were starting to really go up in quality too. Fast forward to 2021, we have so much good stuff coming out, we’re now getting bi-metals at competitive price points, organics are in again (huge win since I LOVE how they play and feel) and so many talented players to learn from. From learning to make a Coke Russell sleep, fundamentals with Super Yoyo and Auldey Blazing Teen stuff, discovering unresponsive and figuring out binds when I was in college and now slowly getting into more advanced stuff and making combos. It’s a continuous journey and I love that progression and sense of discovery with throwing.


I love the feeling of “keeping growing every day”. And yoyo is the best candidate to help me achieve that.
There are endless tricks to learn. Plus I can do it at anytime, anywhere, with any budget, and just by myself.


Yeah I love the fact that you can do it any place any time


When I started taking it seriously, my kid was still in that phase where she slept all the time and I often found myself on my phone or watching TV. I wanted to find something that I could do during the downtime that didn’t involve staring at a screen. I enjoy playing music, but I can’t be walking around with a bass guitar to play with whenever I get the urge, plus it makes a lot of noise (obviously). Yoyo fit that need perfectly. I can do it whenever and wherever I want, it gets me off screens and moving around, and it’s relatively quiet (depending on the yoyo lol).

What I love about throwing is what I love about being a musician. I love the grind of learning something new and the feeling you get when you finally get it for the first time and that feeling when you eventually realize you can do it effortlessly. I love the feeling of going with the flow and just jamming along to your own rhythm. I love the freedom of expression. I love musicians, throwers, and artists of all kinds. I’ve always felt most at home around other creative types and sharing your ideas and passion with one another. And I love this community for being so welcoming and supportive to everyone involved. It really is a beautiful thing.


I think for me, its a mesmerizing way to fiddle with my hands. And it triggers this thing deep inside of me to always move forward. Like how video games do. Its fun but more better I want more, like that feeling lol idk if that makes sense


My favorite video games are ones that require the player to progress in their knowledge and skill and not just in the game itself. Path of Exile and Dark Souls are a couple that come to mind. Throwing definitely feeds that same hunger inside to keep progressing and it has kinda replaced video games for me too. I still play, just not as much as before I picked it up.


I’ve always loved video games


Yoyo for me is a way to decompress. After a long day of work to let my mind just shut off and let my hands go to work is super theraputic for me. It is also the reason I never get any better at yoyo, because I just kick into auto pilot when I play.


It’s most definitely therapeutic


it’s fun.

there’s not much else about it.


Its most definitely fun! I love learning so much :blush:


It keeps me on my feet, instead of on my seat.


That was a good one :rofl:


I have anxiety and depression. For me it’s a great grounding tool and allows me to relax. When I’m playing I can usually just focus on the yo-yo and tune everything else out.


I do that alot! I definitely use it as a way to meditate