
I’ll probably gonna get that one, it’s awesome 8)

Other ones are Big Bang 2, the sound of drums

That’s five thanks for your help </high five/>


I got the 11 doctors screwdriver on Wednesday.

Well aren’t you a lucky Mustard-Fudger


Tennant by far the best doctor. I was him for Halloween and my friend was smith. The majority of people liked mine better. :smiley: also I’m building a full scale dalek that I can get inside and drive around. It’s powered by parts from an electric scooter. Another thing. I built a 2 1/2 ft tall tardis replica to ask a girl to homecoming. I think you could say I’m a whovian.

Yes, Yes you could

pics please that sounds awesome

Here is the tardis model i built. I actually made it to ask a girl to homecoming ;D

Here is my doctor costume. Not the greatest pose, but hey i took the pic before 6:00 am

And finally the dalek so far. I only have the base finished and just barely started working on the next section.

Dude that is just awesome.

Why thank you! ;D

I can’t wait to see Eccleston in “Thor Dark World” An I can’t wait to see the dalek when it is finished. You should do a time lapse picture thing and post the new updates here.

i haven’t even seen episode 1. :stuck_out_tongue:

Idk it’s going to take a loooooooooong time to finish. And I’m already posting stuff on a different forum that is for the sole purpose of building daleks. You can check it out but almost the whole website is members only. It’s called projectdalek.com

I’m on episode 6/7 not sure which of season 2.

I’m waiting for this years Christmas Special, seen all the others. The last one was good but not like super great :-\

yeah I’m excited btw what did you think of Angels take manhattan?

I’m interested to know what channel you guys watch it on across the pond?