
I’m guessing your not from the US. I watch it on BBC America.

I use netflix. I don’t have bbc america.

http://www.sidereel.com/Doctor_Who_(2005) your welcome…

Yes I could have but I saw them before my connections got them HAhA!

My x-mas list has 4 screwdrivers on it. after that all I will be missing will be the 3rd docs driver.

So Christmas special. I like the new companion.

Good it’s a great show

they get even BETTER!

I as well very confusing though

I don’t like Donna. She annoys me. I haven’t watched the show in a while.

is donna the doctor?

No Donna was one of his companions for a while.

Donna was the funniest of the companions although she isn’ty favorite

I’ve been a whovian since season 1. Best show of all time. My favorite doctor is David tenant by far. Smith is good but is nothing to tenant. If you guys like darker shows, torch wood is fantastic. It’s written by Russell T Davies ( original head writer before Steven moffat). It’s based on Jack Harkness and the torchwood team.

I’ve heard of Torchwood, but I thought it was a lame spinoff of Dr. Who. I might have to heck it out.

Not lame at all! i should warn all who intend to watch it (especially little kids) it is an extremely dark and gruesome show. it is very gory and has a lot of inappropriate scenes in it. i hated it when i first saw it but i recently re watched the first season and was addicted. The show gets a LOT better in the later seasons. Another great doctor who spin off is “the adventure of Sarah Jane Smith”. As you might be able to guess its about dear old Sarah Jane Smith. The show was cancelled after the actor died of cancer. Really sad. Coincidentally the last episode they produced was named " Goodbye Sarah Jane". This show is really kiddy and cheesy but still is fantastic.

Lets all hope this coming season isn’t 5 episodes long. And warning the dr. Who animated episodes were (in my opinion) a huge flop.

I think its gonna be a 7 episode part 2

I think its time to bring this thread back! Who’s excited for the 50th special!!!

This guy right here :slight_smile:
