Who's getting a Ricochet?

I am not getting one.

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I would if I had the money.

Sorry. I will put this on my wants list, i will trade for it on the BST. I will not be buyinging brand new though.

I am still a loyal yoyofactory fan! Im not some newb that only likes yoyofactory because its all i know about besides duncan!

Ive tried and owned so many differnt brands! clyw, onedrop, duncan, square wheels, miricle yo, spyy, magic yoyo, g2, audley, difeyo, yoyojam and MORE!

I STILL up to now am faithful to yoyofactory! Those tiny axles in some yoyos? Ewww. I love the 12mm, PERFECT! Very diverse throws too! From undersized and floaty, to huge and rim weighted! Add to that my 2 favorite yoyos are made by them!

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not v shape
just titanium 888
rather buy an oxy

Since you’re entertaining questions, Ben, I have a serious one for you. Does the Ricochet have the tapered bearing post that seems to characterize the design of most of the aluminum YYF yoyos?

Every Genesis I’ve ever owned very quickly developed a line of galling at the base of the bearing post, and also increasing amounts of vibe, and I’ve seen this on every YYF metal of the past two years that I’ve ever taken apart. For anyone reading who doesn’t know what I’m talking about, if you have a YYF metal, take it apart and look at the spot on the bearing post where the bearing sits. It could be that it’s just on the ones I’ve happened to check, but I’ve checked at least 50 yoyos 

I don’t have the sort of magnifying device necessary to be able to check, but my hunch is that the bearing post is tapered and that the bearing is crushing into it, leaving the galling mark. If this is correct, then it would help to align the yoyo halves during initial asembly, since they’re forming into the bearing itself, but would also result in the bearing seizing onto the no-longer-anodized bearing post that a lot of folks experience with aluminum YYF yoyos (like the one explained in this thread: http://yoyoexpert.com/forums/index.php/topic,57809.msg597918.html#msg597918).

The Ricochet looks legit, and that anodized one is very cool looking, but I’d be concerned about longevity, which is the reason I ask. Given the characteristics of titanium, the galling effect would be much quicker and potentially more damaging. Thanks in advance for any response you might be able to provide.

Here’s a simple depiction of what I’m getting at with an exaggerated taper for the sake of conveying the difference:

Jrodriguez: we recently made some changes as we did see this happening too. Not sure when it started but it was more like a trend that evolved in production and we took steps to correct it and everything coming out lately has been updated to this new standard. Ricochet included.

I am purchasing a Ricochet.

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Thanks very much for the answer, Ben.

On a different note - as AndrĂ© requested, let’s please try to keep it civil folks.


POST: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8241/8575441168_b1f34ff7a8_z.jpg

New guidelines here.

Please stick to the topic. Just answer the question clearly and succinctly.
Derogatory comments will not be tolerated.


Please note this thread has been cleaned up thanks to our moderator team.
Posts that we feel were of a negative nature or inappropriate given the focus of discussion are removed.

If you have a problem with how something is handled please message me directly.

We want to keep our forums for positive discussion. Thank you to all for your understanding.

Way to go mods! I would get one but I’m fairly new to yo-yoing, I don’t need one but I would love one.

I am the YYF Freak!

Thanks for cooling this off!! :wink:

Well done to the moderating team. That said, I’m glad I got to read through everything before it was deleted. It was quite an interesting read.


I am getting one :wink:

sweet! maybe i will give it a shot

I will not be buying one. Now the Hex on the other hand

To everyone that says the specs turn you off, don’t. I have come to loathe undersize and the shape really threw me off. But, then I played one. The ricochet was done exceptionally well. Feels nice and plays even better. And If I had the extra cash, I would get one, even with it going “against the grain” if you will

Your totally right. But some people do not like undersized, period.

Me, being young and having small hands, I prefer undersized. But I’m not advanced enough to spend that much for a yoyo. Yet ;).

I played with one this past weekend 
 I have to say that even though I am not a huge undersize fan
 this thing is pretty well balanced. The blue one looks really good, I was trying to get him to spark it but no luck ;D

someone post a spark video pls!! lol