Who would you like to sponsor you

Off-road Yoyos; I love the guy and I won’t be doing it for free stuff unless it’s a tshirt and I’m positive I can help contribute to his brand of humor


Chipotle and topyo


lmao Chipotle


I would have to say there are 2 yoyo companies that I always fall back on. One Drop and Yoyofactory. I love One Drop and have about 15 of their throws. I love everything about the company. The dedication to quality and US manufacturing, their design, their ano, their players, etc. @da5id if your looking for a not so fantastic thrower, middle aged man, with a bunch of kids, a love for the hobby and One Drop and the 10 ball bearing, doesn’t compete but stays involved, etc etc… Give me a call. I only need a b grade throw every once in a while. In all seriousness One Drop is the company I would love to represent.

Yoyofactory is certainly on the list as well. The impact that they have on the industry is remarkable.

Now for strings YYSL. Type X and Plutonium are on point.

If I were sponsored by an individual it would be @DocPop and @edhaponik. I love yous guyses style and you are genuinely cool as hell. One day I would love to meet up with you just to hang out. My goal in throwing is to try and emulate your style eventually of course making my own way. Oh and I would hate not to mention @Markmont. Super chill and your unique style is killah!


UNPRLD would be my top choice. I think their values line up with mine, both as a company and for yoyos. They support x division too. Also, I really like Tyler, I’ve been following him since pre-Axis when he was selling modded raiders and made one of the first(was the first?) budget 7075s.

Yoyofriends and Sengoku would be cool too. Really good yoyos. Also really like Julio.

C3 and YYR would be awesome as well but those are probably the most unrealistic.

First few years of throwing I would’ve said One Drop hands down but I think they’ve since dropped off my list


UNPRLD is awesome but standards are too high for me to even try. lol


Oooh being sponsored by Sochi would be cool too. UNPRLD and Sochi



UNPRLD is fantastic, I agree. And I would parallel what you said about their values as well. I love the support through Scales, community building and reaching across teams uniting players. Seems like a great company to be a part of. I am a fan of the recognition as well. The price point provides a phenominal throw with great value.

What made One Drop drop off your list?


Yeah apart from Vs Newton definitely YoYoFactory for me. They are largely responsible for what the modern yo-yo market looks like, and they have the knowledge and resources to give their premier players their ideal yo-yos as well as provide a means for them to focus entirely on yoyoing. There’s a reason a huge percentage of the top placing yoyoers have been on YYF for a long time.

Duncan is a good pick too but they probably have less freedom with designs based on being owned by a larger company. And regardless they don’t seem to have people like Ben and Hans who are capable of both coming up with both great performance based and innovative design ideas. Duncan clearly has been able to release refined yo-yos at incredible price points lately which is great for the market but it’s not like they are pushing yo-yo design ideas forward.


So it’s nice and streamlined


YYSL. Their Plutonium is the best string I’ve ever used. I’ve liked every YYF yoyo I’ve ever tried too. As others have said, I’d love to make it out to some contests, and a little help regarding travel would be greatly appreciated.

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I agree with @twitch77 that YYE would be an awesome company to work for. They sponsor the majority of contests in the US, they’re the largest retailer in the US, and they’re a core part of the yoyo scene here. Everything from keeping up with new releases, to online discourse (:wink:), to even providing a database of fundamental tricks to help beginners stop playing like beginners.



I’ll sponsor you. Benefits include thumbs up, high fives, and commiseration on the “youth of today”. :slight_smile:


Done I will start to include that in my signature and Bio. You may need to send me a string or something everyonce in a while.:smile:


For sure (assuming you’re cool with “distressed cotton”).


Of course. I was gonna suggest a distressed yoyo anyway but I know you just sand them down and keep throwing them.

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I see it now, mail day @Jhonaker’s house:
Family member: “Jim, why would someone named Ed send you a box of trashed yoyo string, I’m throwing it out.”
Jim: “Noooo! That’s my sponsorship package”


In my opinion this is really important to take into consideration.

In doing some shows for Yomega in the early 2000s (where they gave me plastic Hyperwarps to promote), the company decided to give me their next product to promote.

But this wasn’t Yomega-Yomega, run by Mr. Amaral, no, it was a redistribution toy company with the rights to sell Yomega products in Canada (something like Bandai, I think).

SO, they called me and said they would send me their newest yo-yo related product that would take the market by storm, and they wanted ME to headline promoting it! I was elated!

And then, I received in the mail, a Yostick.


What’s a Yostick? It’s a ‘Yo-Yo Ball’ Stick. Instead of it being a round ball, it’s a stick.

So they call me in to their head office to see the tricks and skills I’ve acquired over the past week or 2 with this thing.

I go into the office and wave the stupid stick around for about a minute. I basically just did hardcore pinwheels the whole time. What more could I do?

I look over at the operations manager whom is in full suit and tie, and he’s just sitting there, staring at me, realizing the huge mistake he made in investing in this product, in investing in me, and possibly even investing in that company.

In fact my post here might be the largest piece of marketing for the Yostick that exists. It actually might be the only one as I did not hear back further from this company, nor from the Yostick.

As for the fate of the Yostick, well, you can still buy one online today. Just thank goodness not at YYE.


That is an awesome story, but, I can only imagine the anxiety the yo-stick caused you at the time.


i’m dying of laughter