Ive been using XL Kitty string and its great but I’m looking for something besides kittystring just to compare and have a little fun with… any recommendations??
I like Venom, but generally stick with Fat Kitty.
Kitty is some of the best out there. Try Blueprint, a lot of people like that stuff but it’s too short for some. You could always try any flavor of Toxic Strings such as Great Whites, but I personally like a bunch of strings that might not last as long instead of a few good ones. I don’t really recommend the new signature strings like Venom as they don’t hold tension the best in my personal experience using them.
Just preference
I really like twisted strings. They are just amazing!
Yoyostring lab type x, its been my main string for 2+ years. The stuff is amazing.
venom. venom all the way
Happy Mountain Strings are pretty great
Blueprint is soo good.
YYSL Ammo is also a favorite.
Blue print is quite good. Nice colors, and quite grippy, but hardly ever slows the yoyo down.
Nothing touches these hands that isn’t YYSL Ammo. Nothing.
I have a small collection of strings built up now, and several months of hard play. String is highly personal, someones BEST may be someone elses trash.
For me I tried Type X, Kitty Reg, Kitty Fat, YYF poly, YYF HighEnd, and MarkMont Dragons.
My go to’s used to be the kitty line. Fat for some throws Reg for others but they didnt last like I wanted. Started fraying after only a few hours, but plays nice. Decent price for decent string.
Heard good things about Type X, but was more than disappointed when i got mine. Sure its soft out of the bag, but its so slow in the air. They fuzzies catch the air during slacks like the brakes were on full on. I did not like these one bit. I give them away to other throwers since they seem to like them.
Then I tried YYF’s High End and REALLY liked it alot. I liked it better than Kitty for sure. Excellent slacks and whips, great life, i felt like it was close to double the lifespan of the kitties. Badly generic name, but great string! No doubt.
The YYF Poly’s are about as basic as it comes. Soft play, but Im just not a fan. I give these away to anyone i see using the string that came with their yoyos. Ill use these if i have no other choices.
Now for the icing on the cake, the Dragons. Boy do i love these strings! Super hard to find, but has all the characteristics that I desired. While I do not like the color (white) I love the feel, the speed, the tension, whips and slacks like its doing it for you. The tiniest flick and the string just keep traveling down the line. LOVE it!! The break in takes about 2 hours (when other strings my start to wear out) and then it begins to wake up and soften. It both gets slightly fatter (by stand separation getting fluffier) and gets thinner (by compression to the fibers) at the same time before during and after break in a seemingly magical way. So the thickness feel does not change as time wears on. If they get dirty, wash em and put em back on. Be careful though, if you are anything like me these will ruin you for other strings. Everything else just feels cheap now. At least so far, thats my report, for what its worth. It is also worth noting that these Dragon strings are slick! and that means that knots do not stay tight, which is good for getting knots out, but if you want the string to stay anchored on your finger, tie a knot at the top of the loop of the slipknot and problem solved!
I have tried just about every string I can get my hands on - bulk and premium alike
Honestly for me the best is Kitty (i prefer kitty fat) - yes it doesn’t last as long as some of the more expensive string but its 3x cheaper and I usually end up replacing string before I really need to anyway. The feel and tension are top notch.
Being Left handed a lot of string looses tension way to fast and I always find myself having to re-adjust the string all the time. Kitty seems to not be as bad as some other strings.
The only string I like better are the Graou Strings and good luck finding some (they used to sell for about $1.25-$1.5 per string). I have about 20-30 left and I save them for throws I really really like.
The CLYW strings I really like as well but they are about 70 cents a string when you can get 100 kitty for about 20 cents a string.
Some of the Toxic strings are worth trying - Snakes are good but hard to find, BG1’s are nice, Dragons last forever but a little too slick for my taste (i’ll re-evaluate after trying that knot on the top of my slip knot like others mentioned.
$ for $ though nothing comes close to kitty string. 20 cents for a handmade string can’t be beat (most other bulk strings are not hand made and most other handmade strings are at least double the price of kitty and not as good).
Have you tried our strings?
where do you find neon yellow fat kitty string i cant find it on yye
YoNinjaYo Samurai string. Great for slack and whips. Holds tension well… Give us a try. You be surprised. and even if you don’t try our string out. I hope you find the string your looking for.
I like toxic, they feel pretty smooth.
Im in love with Toxic BG1’s. Im ready to stock up now that ive found “my perfect string” but out of stock across the board. haha 'da struggle
Happy Mountain’s Yellow Snow all the way.
yoninjayo samurai string. the way to go for stealth progression.
I just picked up a tester asst of Happy Mountain Strings. Ill report back as to what I find. They seem a new kid on the block, but ill give em a shot.