What's your WPM?

Mines like 35. I know, that’s really bad. For those of you who don’t know, WPM stands for words per minute. It’s how fast you can type. You can take the test to find out here: Typing Test · Check your Speed and Practice, WPM

I type well enough to suit me.

I liken this to questions like “How long does your yoyo sleep?”

I got 35 also! But with 10 mistakes. I don’t think that’s too bad…

i got 18.10 with 8 mistakes… not too good

EDIT: Retook the test and got 29.17 with 3 mistakes. Getting better…

~ 50 WPM with 94+ accuracy.

I can type pretty fast if I’m just typing but not when I have to type something I’m reading…

99.26 WPM
99.39% accuracy, 1 mistake

according to that test.

42.47 wpm with 98.16% accuracy.

27 WPM with 93 accuracy.

I’m a fan of TypeRacer myself.

I am slowly switching over to Dvorak so my speed isn’t worth bragging about in any way, shape, or form.

just got 38 on TR :o

Speed: 85.91
Accuracy: 99.61 - 1 mistake.

~80 w/ 99% accuracy. I know I can do better though…

Mine is like an average of 68 with 97% accuracy on average.

about 70 words per minute… and 90% accurate…

50.27 1 error / took a typing class so not too bad I guess.

Speed: 82.06 WPM
Accuracy: 96.4%, 16 mistakes.

Hmm, I used to be able to type 80 wpm with decent acuracy. But i’m since out of practice. I haven’t actually checked my wpm for a while.

I’ve been meaning to switch over to Dvorak as well, but the thing I’m worried about is that I’ll forget QWERTY :cry:

Is it similar to learning 2nd languages? Like, being able to easily switch back and forth?

YEaaaa! power to you! I think it was second year of high school that I switched over for fun (wrote my paper in it, and that helped a lot). I’m actually not sure if it really increased my words per minute, but it was definitely fun and interesting to do something funky. I’m doing about 108 wpm with 95-100% accuracy if the test isn’t funky (I mean not funky by the text being closer to what I type daily). Not too shabby, but I always wonder how people get to the 200’s…
