Whats your worst yoyo fail?

I was playing 5A with my Legend Wing when the string slipped through the counterweight.
Poor Legend Wing flew, hit the floor, and split in half. :broken_heart:

Here’s another one. A couple of decades ago, I was playing with my Proyo Ace II when it came apart and the bearing went straight to the drain. :broken_heart:


community fail*

Another one: Not knowing who someone was and then telling them they were super good and asking if they were sponsored yet


My ones are probably very classics between all of us:

1: throwing the yoyo without know that there is a knot inside there and find it immediately bind to your face (usually I do not know why in the eyebrown)

2: throw the yoyo and the string broke exactly at the end of the throw and the yoyo just full speed destroy everything in his way

3: throw a 4a straight away on my brother’s head (that was funny not gonna lie)


Back in 2017 during my break time from work, my co worker decided to borrow my axis sal-ti yoyo and did a few basic tricks with his skill. Until all of the sudden I heard a loud ting noise and I found out that my titanium yoyo was creating a clean circular cut on the inner cup.

right now its been sitting on my collection for years but only the half of the yoyo is unusable. :sob:


This happened to me at nats lol. I asked Dkim/Daniel Kim (not realizing who it was) if they were the new Spiral sponsored player Jamie had mentioned. To be fair they were on crutches, had on a mask, and had just let me try a proto (Jamie had also mentioned their team’s new player had a proto with them, though this was a Motif) but I still felt bad not recognizing them haha.


My family shared an elevator at Nats with Alex Hattori who was super nice and introduced himself, and we were just like ‘ok whatever we need to get all this crap to the hotel room’ lol.


Chipped 3 teeth

Got my yoyo stuck in a 40k chandelier at the World Yoyo Contest. The NY Times wrote about it… “The audience loved it… the judges did not…” :joy:


Almost took the tip of my finger off with the table saw trying to make yo-yos about a year ago. Now I have a permanent reminder to keep my fingers away from moving saw blades.


What a great article too! “Fash, the chandelier-hooking yo-yoer.” makes for a really cool nickname :laughing:


I got a pretty good gash from this one :sweat_smile:


Most annoying thing ever with also the bind that destroy your knuckles because there was a knot that you haven’t noticed


That just happened to me like two minutes ago :rofl: in the middle of a nice combo I’ve been working on and all of a sudden, in the middle of a suicide,it shot back like a rocket bc the all ceramic bearing went full responsive. I have so many issues with these bearings doing this to me. I want them to work :sob: @Albertino


In those weeks I am working on a lot of combos that goes against the rotation of the yoyo (I have no idea why, it’s just what I am creating), countless time I received my Fat tire straight on my knuckles with the nice “ding” sound, I hate that :laughing:


Bout to just start throwing with my dirt bike gloves on because of the knuckle protection :laughing:


It’s an actual trick called Kill Shot.


Nationals 2010 in the 4A finals. I forgot to take the string off one of my backup 4a yoyos so I threw it and it just slept at the end of the string.


A couple years back when I got back into throwing, I was in the living room trying to learn the fast start where you put a NTH finger on each side of the string, put tension on the string, then fling the yoyo away with the two fingers imparting spin. I flung the yoyo away, it swung up darned near to the ceiling, swung back down and hit my wife’s full wine glass, knocking the top right off the stem. There was red wine all over the place, and the glass in two pieces - the stem, still standing on the coffee table, and the top part laying on the carpet. It was like somebody plucked the flower off a tulip. It was so amazing the wife wasn’t even upset. She just said “Well, that was perfectly done!” If I spent the rest of my life trying to do that on purpose I would never succeed.


Recently I needed to go to the ER after getting bit by a patient (long story lol.) I always bring a plastic Butterfly with me to pass time and this was the perfect night for me to have one. I was waiting in the lobby hitting stalls and somersaults like a mad man. I was away from other people in the hall so I was starting to get cocky. I wound up for a hard breakaway and as soon as the string bottomed out the yo-yo popped off so gently but with great spin. It bounced and sped down the hall right in front of the security desk with me close behind unable to grab it but still trying my darndest. It banged against the welcome sign by the front door and I finally caught it. I gleefully pick it up only to see the security guards and an entire waiting room looking at me and smiling. I think I made everyones ER visit a little less stressful. :upside_down_face:


I was filming a video outside last Saturday, all doing my tricks and combos and stuff, at some point one of the security guards (we was close to a park) come to me and said “ooooh man, this is a yoyo, do a star”, I just looked at him with the biggest shame in my face ever and said “sorry man, I literally do not know how to do that one” then he looked at me and said “omg, you doing this and that all crazy and you are not able to do a basic star”, he looked at me a bit disappointed and said bye :rofl:
Never felt so full of shame like in that day ahahahahahahah


I’ve stripped 2 of my daily drivers. luckily my dad was able to re-tap them with surprisingly little vibe being introduced. i still wish I didn’t strip them though