Whats Your Thoughts on M-Shaped Throws?

So I’ve been interested in the M-shape lately but can’t find much information out there on it and I dont own any. So thought I would ask around and see if anyone knows more about this shape.

From what I have found it’s a very stable shape and performs well at low RPMs. Aside from the Sengoku Samurai I’ve not really been able to find many M-shapes. Does anyone know of any other M-shapes?


Keep you eyes peeled for another m shape from Sengoku.

It’s an even crazier design than the Samurai.



i never tried one out but isnt the shape making the catch abylity worse?

I guess to answer your question, M shapes (from the 2 that I’ve tried), are an interesting feel.

You’re right, the ones I’ve thrown have been VERY stable. Like the most stable yoyos I’ve tried. They feel and move a bit like a super wide, but of course the catch zone is not extremely wide.

This is good and bad. You don’t get to use the extra width for crazy catches. But the M shape means you don’t unintentionally land on multiple strings as much in denser tech tricks.


So the catch zone is the same size as a regular yo-yo. The rings just extend out farther.

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ah so its a little wider

RainCitySkill’s retro rocket is the only other M shape that comes to mind right away. It’s not as exaggerated as the Samurai, but its a fun undersized M. Some feel it plays a bit heavy, but its one of my favorites from RCS. The Samurai is probably my most played Sengoku, it has a really unique feel and definitely has plenty of power and stability.


I have a Yoyo Recreation Comic Sans yoyo, which is slightly m shaped. Compared to other yo-yos, the main things I notice are that it feels light for its weight, and had great stability for its size. Only downside I notice is a smaller catch zone. Really good for tech tricks.


The comic sans is a really underrated throw.


For sure. The YoyoRecreation typeface series in general is so good for the price. Never had a smoother yoyo in my life. I remember seeing a video of Brandon Vu opening a YYR Optima, and he though it was titanium at first, it was so good.

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Yeah the comic sans I had was much smoother than the bimetals I got from yyr really impressive stuff


I would think this counts
IMO it needs no introduction but it’s the ILYY Noctu for anyone wondering


I’m really gonna have to try get my hands on the Samurai or the trimetal thats in the works. sounds up my street for sure

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I was just looking at the comic sans the other day trying to figure out if it would be classed as M-shaped. I think so but just not as extreme as the Samurai. maybe the comic sans is a lower case m-shape and the samurai is upper case M haha


of course! totally forgot about the Noctu. I heard someone say somewhere that non-bimetal M-shapes struggle due to where the rim weight is placed. But I dont know how true that is

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I totally forgot the noctu also, its definitely an M. I don’t play mine much, it is very sharp feeling and I hate to think what it would do to me if I caught it in my face. It is a very dense feeling yoyo which only adds to my worry.

I like how the Samurai has that ridge on the rim rounded off just enough, so it still looks really radical but it is surprisingly comfortable. I’ll definitely be picking up the new sengoku whenever @NeoHamster drops them.

I’d never taken a close look at the comic sans before, the shape is really cool, lower case m is a good description of the shape. Now I’m going to have to buy one.

Edit: I did find some other M or almost M shapes in my collection, the Rollout R1, Oxy 5 (H/M), Spyy Ronin. I’ll post pics later today.


I have tried a few - Honestly don’t particularly care for them, myself.

I have a mint iYoyo Veritas that I’d be glad to sell on if anyone is interested? DM me if so.

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I see potential for EPIC THUMB GRINDS!


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I forgot the veritas also, good catch. I like the veritas it’s very compact feeling with lots of stability, it was a go to of mine for learning tricks a couple years ago.
Pictured are spyy ronin, rollout R1, RCS retro rocket, iyoyo veritas, sengoku samurai, oxygene 5. The oxy 5 is an interesting shape, a definite H on the rims/catch zone and the M flare out on the outside of the rims. The ronin is kinda shaped like that also. I forgot to include my noctu… doh!


oh wow! there are way more M-shapes than I thought. They looks great. I think its time to start hunting some down. which would you say is your favourite?