What's your favorite plastic yoyo?

For me for comp and fun wise definitely its diffusion 2 for me

Silly yoyo but offset variant is actually a great plastic yoyo not sure if it’s a re skin of something else though

Also the whip deserves more love

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This one. Takeshi mod silli response with a custom Takeshi paint job. Best plastic in the case hands down.


To my mind, most of the latest plastic yoyos aimed at unresponsive 1A play are too big and bulky–and more recently, O-shaped–to be anything I’d want to compete with. Very few plastic yoyos are designed to actually be competition-worthy (and no, the position that any yoyo can be competition-worthy if you’re good enough does not carry any rhetorical weight with me). That’s what sets the Dove apart from all its contemporaries, in my view. It can serve as a competition yoyo for anyone of any skill level, really, and it will perform admirably in all situations.


totally agree with you on that first point, that’s why the speedaholic was a breath of fresh air for me

The variant was one of their original design but the ascent was a re-brand yoyo from magicyoyos lineup called the crystal


Shooting Star all day long. But I’ll let you know if that changes in a couple weeks when I get the PNIR. :grin:

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This question seems more oriented towards standard plastic (unresponsive) throws. My answer would certainly change if the question was pertaining to responsive. Also, there are a lot of Delrin/POM models that far surpass most of these. Just depends on what your parameters are.


Right, and where’s the off-string love? Need to get the Spire and Anatogaster on the list.

Survivalist, freehand one, butterfly. 3 best plastics in no particular order. If I had to pick one it would be the survivalist, but only because it would last the longest and you can play it anywhere without worrying to much. I suppose you can with the others too because they are rather affordable but they are nowhere near as durable.


Yes, which is why the absence of the Dove from the list is a shame. A machined POM yoyo is pretty much always going to out-perform an injection-molded polycarb yoyo. But with the superior quality of machined POM also comes a premium price tag.

Worth it every time though. Especially when this question comes up. If you want the best, you can’t attach a price tag.

What are a few you think of as the best regardless of price tag when it comes to unresponsive 1A? And what about for responsive?

You know I’m surprised the Fulvia isn’t more up there. If this poll was made around Jan 2023 it would of been leading for sure I feel like.

Was it overhyped?

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to me it’s a solid yoyo, just feels too bulky for my taste. it’s good in almost every way i’ve found, but that bulk makes it not as fun for me, so i’ve been looking for a 000 instead since it might be better to feel while playing


No mention of the SF PLSTC?


Definitely Freehand One for the top spot, Duncan have been killing it with the various colours and special editions they’ve released. I think the original Yeti is my number 2.

The Sphere is also excellent, followed closely by the Peak.


This is the one.


freehand zero / one, or the northstar
i dont own too many plastics tho, need to cop some luftverk

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Pleak or AOE, Mojo is a classic

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