What's the smoothest yoyo u ever owned?

I have a list of throws that I want, and I can only get one of them on my next order. The wrath is on that list, but man, I’m still not sure what to get, I’m torn :stuck_out_tongue:

the reverb is super smooooooth

I kind of felt the same way…

It was almost so good that it wasn’t fun. :-\

RecRev Sine//Saw


Genesis by far

I forgot to mention the skyline. It was so smooth…

Oh I forgot YYF DNA that thing was as smooth as any General Yo out there.


But I traded that thing for a Werrd Hour. :smiley:

Don’t worry it’s in good hands.

Dude PM who has it. I seriously never thought I would ever regret trading away a YYF.

I’m not a personal fan of Yoyofactory though

Neither am I. It just holds a special spot in my heart <3

Sakura. My first an so far only high end.

I just got the Sakura SE, and I must say, it is an impressive little throw. I like it a LOT. Buy mine is a little vibey. I may have to tune it. But can you tune side effects yoyos?

Original Bear vs. Man.

So far it’s the OD Yelets. Crazy smooth

Canvas for sure… so smooth.

They are easier to tune than anything else out there :slight_smile:

My Wrath is super smooth its hard to get used to.

Probably the Model 10. When I got it, it was so SILENT and dead smooth you could barely tell it was spinning. I had a hard time figuring out when it was going to die, because I couldn’t feel anything on the string. It become one of my all time favorite yoyos.