What's the most expensive yoyo you own?

Btw jhb do you remember how much the titan gold from yoyojam was? Thinking that broke the thousand Barrier as well

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RsO Udon bowl - $420


I want the bowl

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Dude it’s amazing, would love to see a bowl review

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I’m going to have to get my hands on one. Been wanting that one forsure


Probably the most expensive / rarest thing I currently own is a One Drop 54 prototype with the floral print ano job. There were only 4 made, two floral and two checkered/zebra stripes. Since it was a gift, I have no idea what the monetary value would be. I figure no one would pay what I want for it, so essentially it’s priceless.

I’ve had other stuff like the sovereign, bsp, eetsit, bapezilla, fluchs, gouda, gold pyro, oxy, werrd protos and tfls, catch 22, Tons of rare hspins like the og good and evil all the way up to g&e 4, Spyy Radians… gah I could go on. Sadly sold or traded all of them over time too soon before they really got super super rare. Got lucky with a few and sold when they were in demand and made a little extra out of some of them but honestly it’s never been about the money. Anytime I’ve sold stuff it’s either been to get out of a pinch or to fund more yoyos haha.


I mean a Lilith project recently went for $800 so I could see it don’t similarly well for a 54 with such a cool backstory


Never seen it. Would you mind taking a pic of it?


Here you go :+1:


Wow! I’m not a floral kind of guy, but that is gorgeous. I’d never part with it if it were mine.


That amazing! Who did the work on it?


Nice, I always wished more people experimented with hydrographics like this. Madhouse did quite a few.
Idk what you want for it but my guess is that you could get wild money without much effort (if you ever did decide to sell it). I mean, the entire Beau Noir stock is gone…


I’ve got a titanium YYF Shutter in the post, engraved with the adventure logo. It should arrive tomorrow, paid £150 - can’t really afford it but there you go! Some of the throws on here are incredible!


I wonder if it is hydro dip. I know Gruntbull does something they call “Gruntgraphics” that looks like hydro dip but is all anodizing, here are some of their examples:





It looks shiny like it could be hydrodip and was done like 6 years before Gruntgraphics were shown off, but I can’t say for sure.


My guess is the OD was hydrographics just because of the the appearance of the cup area, like it went in bearing-seat-first and the film flopped over in the cup
I wonder why Gruntgraphics never took off tho


Looks like it underwent a similar process to the Madhouse Compulsion. If that’s actually ano it’s the craziest ano ever.




Totally those mad houses were great. OD did theirs in / around 2010 and mad house came out with those in 2012.

@Rosenberg - It’s definitely ano. One drop confirmed it in 2010 when they were experimenting with the process. It’s extremely smooth like any other anodization.

@Isaac - I can’t say for sure but it might have been gruntbull that did it for OD. I know they were messing with this process for quite a while and decided not to do a full run due to the cost and the risk of consistency was quite high, it would yield in a ton of NQP. Over the years gruntbull perfected some of the process. I remember those posts and i feel like they did more than that but cannot seem to find them anywhere.


Interesting, I’d like to know how they did it. I’m not aware of any ano method that would cause the cup to look like that. The Gruntbull stuff looks like a direct-to-substrate type ano which is why it ends at the edge of the catch zone, but I have no idea how the OD would end up muddled like that outside of hydrodip


Broke a window with a yoyo, I paid x 2. Spilled my first grade teachers coffee and broke her figurine with the same yoyo. I paid, I really really paid! Lost the same yoyo in a pond while trespassing as a kid. Went swimming for it, got in trouble by the land owner, got in trouble from my parents, I paid, paid soooo much for that. Imperial, most expensive yoyo ever.