Holy. Moly.
Holy. Moly.
I think it’s mostly attributed to it being a prototype, probably one of the very first ever done with this method. That’s my guess anyways.
Obviously, an TopYo T.S. 280.99 Singapore Dollars.
I will have to take a look at that one
Mcmo. I got it at 20% off . Still the most expensive.
I believe it’s similar to how the TFL and 4XL were done. Last I remember it was a special laser printing process.
The paisley recrev throws also had it. You can tell because the ano has a raised texture to it
Love the mcmo so much
Technically, the Rebellion IMD is my most expensive since it originally retailed at $150. I got it after the price was cut in half though. It definitely plays like a $150 throw. So good.
I came so close to pulling the trigger on one of those a couple of times… one of my absolute favorites. Edit: It was the Orbis that I almost bought.
My most expensive was the 2Sick Castle ($450 IIRC); which was a disappiontment to me. I sold it to @codinghorror and I imagine @yoyodoc has it now.
The most I got was $400 for an AYYA Pyro. edit: I think I actually got my money back out of the Castle.
The most expensive is have now is an AMS Hardcoat 000. Can’t remember, but I think $385?
My dazzler was the most expensive but definitely worth it
I’ve got a one of one red Ti Duncan Profly with dual pad response, hand grooved bearing and brass spacers all handmade by Skon. It was the prize for mods at worlds and Takeshi and Deth won so Takeshi took the all black one of one and Deth got the red one of one. Won’t tell you what it cost me because when you say Skon you’ve said it all. Then there’s that purple glass Ti Peak which cost me my last minty Underdog. $$$$$
Interesting how people have very different thoughts on the yo-yos.
Yes, I did get the Castle as part of the Jeff deal…
Interestingly, I didn’t even know what it was, lol. No kidding, remember I got about 500/to/520 yo-yos, thereabout? (Never counted em😳).
I didn’t really even start going through the yo-yos for a few weeks. From images Jeff had posted online, almost immediately people started contacting me with edited images of the yo-yo display cases, with certain yo-yos circled on their want list.
Nothing wrong with that. Most had the same approach. ‘I know you told Jeff you would not be selling yo-yos from the collection. But…………. can you just sell ONE? And if you can’t/won’t/can you make a note that if you do start selling the collection, that you can sell that ONE to me’?
Ok. Back to the point. Up until the moment one of the guys sent me an image of their ‘want’ I didn’t even know what that particular yo-yo was(the Castle).
But when I saw the image with a description/name/Maker, I was like ‘what’? I’ve been throwing this yo-yo and really enjoying it and I didn’t even know what it was, lol😂
My reaction to the yo-yo is pretty much the opposite of yours. I love the Castle. It is one of a few dozen diamonds in the group. I still kinda shake my head on how many of these yo-yos I haven’t identified yet🤔. Too busy to really be concerned at the moment. But I will admit, I have solid requests for at least 100+ From the former collection.
If I decided to sell almost the entire collection. And by a miracle was successful in selling all but 10 of the 500+ yo-yos. The Castle would be one of the remaining 10 I would keep🤓
On a side note, I would say one of the STANDOUT yo-yos that I never really considered buying, but gets a standing ovation from me, is the Torched Titanium Hummingbird. Better than the Castle. Better than just about anything. And I got a lot a stuff🙀
Myk Myk, sorry you were not thrilled with the Castle. It has a permanent home now(at least temporarily).
I want to try the ti hummingbird
How does it play?
Think of how a heavy bimetal with it’s weight focused on the rims play. Now take the stability and play of that and somehow make it not feel like a rock. Basically It’s light, fast, and comfortable in the hand. If I didn’t know it was made from titanium I would think it was magnesium because of the weight distribution. @Theycallmecotton
EXACTLY what yoyojoe said.
I knew I would need to explain, and I think that was actually an unfair impression I left.
I think the Castle is an amazing yoyo, and I love how it plays!
However, I had just bought the Rook for $300, and to this day I love that yoyo. I paid $450 for the Castle hoping for an even better yoyo. They play almost identical to me, the Castle has gross feeling tight posts, doesn’t have the decent grinding ano, and doesn’t sing. So I was disappointed to have paid so much for a yoyo that was IMO inferior overall and not much different play wise to what I already had.
If I had never experienced the Rook, I might still own the Castle.
this sounds amazing