What's on your Christmas list??

What? Do you guys HAVE to crush a girl’s spirit?

Yes. Welcome to the Internet.

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You could always get it pc’ed to look like a cap chief.


I’ve posted this before, but it’s relevant, so…

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I want a Diamondback or an Arctic Circle. I’ll let my parents decide which one I’ll get. I’ll be happy either way!

I kinda want a Ric, but that’s just wishful thinking.

A BMX and a tattoo, probably won’t get either.

For christmas, Id really like:

A cascade (blue orange are my fave colors)
A supernova
Some of the newer metal yyf
Maybe an avalanche?

Oh and I really wanna try an echo

Maybe a YYJ Titan 3 and a video game or two.

I want it all!

You are wise young grasshopper.

and I want it now

Code 2


All of the sudden today one of these Oxygene Syxygys is on my list. This thing is really cool lookin’ don’cha think? I thought the CLYW Chief was outside my budget range, this guy’s somewhere over my monetary horizon. I’d still like to throw one though, maybe just hold one in my hand. Maybe I could just see one in real life, my nose pressed up against the glass of the department store window like the kid in “A Christmas Story”, wide eyed and licking my chops.

(I really like the Captain America Chief as well, however those things are so rare they should probably be thought of as nearly as fictitious as the comic book character himself.)

I want…

A Xbox 360,
A red and black grind machine( or to find my lost one),
A Protostar,
A Northstar,
And Call of Duty Black Ops 2 for both Xbox and PS3

:):slight_smile: :):slight_smile: :):). SANTA!!!

. And I want a Duncan Mongu Freehand Zero (if anyone is selling one please pm me cause I WILL BUY IT!!!). Or if that is impossible a Duncan raptor mongu

money for food


Wow :’(