I ordered a Motion Linear. Just too many good ones out there, and this scratches the itch while not getting too expensive.
Im waiting until Christmas to buy one of @JEA86 's products. They look amazing and I want to make it special lolol
Before I weigh in with the name of the company that always has the best releases, indisputably, ever, I would like to make clear that I can be bought.
HAHA Polyform makes the best yoyos! But we only released 2 models so far, so I had to omit it. Please look forward to what’ll come next!
But what yoyo company has the worst releases on average?
Honestly… maybe YYR?.. I dunno I feel it’s hard to make an opinion on that. Because even though the typeface series could be better YYR is responsible for the holy trinity of the Valkyrie, Draupnir and Sigtyr. I feel everyone finds their brand that they dig.
Probably some of the companies that don’t exist anymore
maybe not worst on average but some companies are pretty hit-or-miss for me, which makes me more hesitant to buy their throws since it starts to enter the risk assessment territory for me, I guess recent personal examples being CLYW and Japan Technology.
Yeah but even then CLYW has the beater and the ditch. JT has kinda been in the gutter lately. I can’t think of a solid defense for them. That is also my opinion which is that of an intermediary-level player so take my word lightly
Don’t know if I would come close to describing JT as in the gutter, they’ve been making some very interesting things recently with stainless steel, their throws just aren’t my cup of tea.
In the gutter might have been a bit strong but I did try out their Shade and Kagerou and neither of them did anything for me. Not as powerful or fast as I would want.
Yoyofriends normally hit the mark for me.
I’d have to agree with this one…!!!
G2 and DocPop
Picking an absolute best like this is incredibly hard…
That said…I’m surprised no one has mentioned iYoyo so far. They don’t put out things at a very high rate…but everything they do put out is excellent…and usually when you factor in their ultra competitive prices even better.
Darn, I read What yoyo company has average releases at best? and got excited.
G2+ One Drop=BEST
yyr and japan tech is just so good man
From a performance perspective, Turning point
100% G2. I don’t own many as they are hard to acquire. Quality over quantity.
Very close 2nd would be ILYY.