What yoyo company do you want to join?

If you could be a part of any yoyo company (whether as a sponsored player, demonstrator, co-designer, annodizer, web designer, marketing, etc), which one would it be and why?

Real answer: which ever one would take me :laughing:

Dream answer: One Drop or Motion.

I love that OD is made in the USA. I also really appreciate how they focus on pumping out quality monometals (a rarity since the bimetals rose to power). Their team looks like they thoroughly enjoy doing what they do together, and it would be awesome to be able to join in on that and give design input or to bring to life whatever wild idea I have. Plus, they have side effects. Their website game is strong, but I hear they could use an annodizer. I could learn, Mr. Da5id :wink:

I add Motion becauseā€¦
1). Just look at all those beautiful yoyos!
2). I would want live close enough to meet the team occasionally, but also donā€™t necessarily want to move in order to do so. Oregon does look like a beautiful place to visit, though.
3). I would love the opportunity to learn more about the designing and engineering process. The anno and aesthetics put into Motionā€™s yoyos are among the best, and really elevate (see what I did there) their products to another level. I could see myself learning to enjoy that process even more than playing itself.
4). Certainly not least is the team behind the company, who seem like a bunch of guys you could just hang out with.

Honorable mentions: Recess would be cool because Tyler seems cool, and I really like their mission of getting into schools and making kids excited about yoyos. Hearing about the Duncan demonstrator days makes me love this idea even more. While I only have one model from each, Luftverk and DD made some of my favorite yoyos. It would be super interesting to get to learn how the minds behind that craftsmanship work.

Edit: Sorry this isnā€™t well written. Iā€™m battling a stomach bug ontop of my chronic illness. Hope itā€™s something fun for yā€™all to think about, regardless.


Onedrop, Yoyofriends, Luftverk, Offset, MK1 all as a designer.


Watieoboo, they are great influencers


Thatā€™s kind of hard to say, most of my favorite yoyos are made by companies that are either highly ā€œprestigiousā€ or now defunct, but based on the people that are part of the company, Iā€™d say Turner Return Tops would be insanely radical, though I havenā€™t thrown any of their yoyos.

Yeah, Iā€™ll stick with that answer, ā€œTRT is the Dream.ā€ lol, Bruce and the team are wonderful people who I hold very close to my heart.

yeah, thatā€™d be pretty neat.


clyw 100%


I would say YYFr or OFFSET as a sponsored player and a designer cuz I got a few designs handy and I also love the stuff they are doing


Dreamcraft because i love everything about it. awesome vibes, incredible players, amazing yoyo, dope art, run by a genuinely great guy


Yo :slight_smile: appreciate the shoutout meant a lot to read that


You have the passion and considerably more practice than most. Make it happen, my friend.


yea i have to agree with this as a second choice. really vibe with od :call_me_hand:


Iā€™d move to Eugene in a heartbeat to work at One Drop. No question about it. Iā€™ll clean the toilets for all I care. I have basic IT skills and maintain a medium, crumbling network. You have a Catalyst 4510? I can break that in a split second for you then fix it in a few hours. I do not work with other people. My skills are Google and yo-Yoā€™s. I can do a kick flip one out of 10 times. That is my application. Thank you for your consideration One Drop. Iā€™ll be waiting for my employee uniform, which includes a yo-yo, in the mail.


Iā€™d go with Dreamcraft, TRT, G2, or MK1


Turner Return Tops - gotta rep my home state, and they make Solid SOLID throws.

Love ya @Raindog3030


Based on the products and the companies I like and support currently it would be one of G2, CLYW, and Motion. (And SF if they still existedšŸ˜‚)


W1ld, duncan, or C3


G2, Duncan, One Dropā€¦ itā€™s hard to choose!


Thanks man! That really means a lot to me.


One I have friends on, so probably caribou lodge or mk1?


The first company l 100% would want to join no matter what is Playmaxx, l wasnā€™t alive yet but a guy can dream, they make all my favorite yoyos like the proyo, the bumblebee, the proyo 2s and more. Iā€™m starting a new addiction of collecting as many proyos as possible because l just love them to much.

The next company l would like to join us yomega, how far my mighty yomega has fallen :pensive:, l love my yomega yoyos but that doesnā€™t mean there not plagued with issues like poor quality control, poor plastic (like the axle breaking the side caps) and so and so, ld join just to remedy these issues and encourage them to make new yoyos for today.

The last would be Duncan mostly to just spear head ideas for new yoyos since Duncan yoyos donā€™t really have issues since there made so well, one idea lā€™ve wanted to come to life is to make a Normal Duncan imperial but it comes apart and has an e size bearing for looping ( honestly my dream yoyo that will never come)


Empathy. As a sponsored hype-man / yo-yo caddy / merch director.