What yoyo companies produce the highest quality yoyos? (In your opinion)


I believe that, to discuss quality, it should be discussed within the context of the end price of the product. I think that any company can give you something great, and charge you a lot for it. It’s just too easy. It takes a special company to give you something of great performance, at a great low price. I would put their high end models, Doomsday Genesis, for example, up against any others at that price point. And, I would put their budget metals against any others at that price point. And, for me personally, I crown them the winner.

This is all subjective, but that’s my spin on it. No pun intended. :wink:

Go Yo’Fact’ry!

if one chief is smooth, all chiefs are

I’ve done that too :slight_smile:

Does it have to be a CRT TV or does this work with LCD? I was trying it with my computer monitor but I don’t think I’m doing it right

Needs to be CRT.

Yeah, I forgot, none of the kids have those anymore. :wink:

Another test: Throw a strong sleeper, wrap the string around your index finger a few times a few inches above the spinning yoyo, stick that index finger in your earhole. Listen to it sing.

I tried this with two different yoyos that felt equally smooth with a finger nail test. What I found was that my Code 1 was singing While My Guitar Gently Weeps, whereas my Code 2 was singing Black Magic Woman. Since Santana is clearly smoother than George Harrison, does that mean the Code 2 has less vibe? ;D


I’m just glad you said “earhole”.


All my yoyos sound like I’m listening to dubstep from the bottom of a swimming pool. I think I need to lube my bearings.

On a more serious note, thanks for dispelling some of the disinformation in this thread. It’d be a bummer for folks to read the forum and leave believing that visible machining marks on aluminum indicated anything about the quality of machining. What we have here is a case of,

  1. Person believes X is the best quality.
  2. Person notices that X has Y inconsequential difference.
  3. Person believes Y inconsequential difference must therefore be an indication of best quality.

That said, I want to reiterate a piece of advice I’ve doled out before, which is that if you want to increase sleep time, buy a red yoyo. Red is definitely the fastest color.


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Either that or your ear lobes.


“It’s… beautiful…”

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Hey buddy…ever hear of V4M?


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Strange, when I use my shutter and stick it in my ear i hear a mix between Morgan freeman and the powerpuff girls.

I’d have to narrow it down to CLYW. It just has something that other companies don’t have.


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