What you HATE about yoyoing

Before unresponsive became popular, if you didn’t know little 2A people would question your skills somewhat,I can loop with both hands(not simultaneous loops😔)and do around the world with both, so I almost know two 2A tricks lol.

2A isn’t easy or for the faint of heart, 3A is right up there with it. But agree with most of the rest of what you said.:wink:

Hmmm, don’t really know the exact number. I’ve been paring it down lately just as a matter of avoiding clutter, but I’d guess somewhere in the neighborhood of 40. Most of those get in the rotation fairly regularly.

What do I hate about yo-yoing? Probably clammy hands.

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I f*cking hate knots! Damn it to hell! Knot after knot just sucks unicorn horns! Man I’m so feed-up with those little insidious knots at the most awful time it could happen! Seems like everything is fine and I’m into the trick and almost done but don’t quite hit the next step and BOOM a Knot! Shit! I hate knots!
Thank you…I feel better now…:face_with_thermometer:

But… have you ever considered that you might take some pride in being a Great knot producer?

Everybody can take pride in being top shelf at something.

I knew a guy in high school that farted louder than anybody🙀

He actually started wearing looser pants to help muffle the eardrum breaking explosions.

At least knot making doesn’t harm the Earths’ Ozone layer.


I hate knots too, but most of them are a mere annoyance that force me to stop practicing for a minute while I pull the knot out with needlenose pliers. However, some knots are so tight I have to unscrew the yoyo to fix them, and I really hate having to do that.

same, there was a c3 yoyo that was really good, it was called c3 fingerspin. nice weight and gap width

Thanks Doc…that makes me feel a lot better man…I am a dam good…nah, great knot maker by Evan Nagao!!!