What you HATE about yoyoing

Nothing to hate really. There are the bad and good moments but that’s yoyos for ya.

I hate when you are learning a trick off a youtube video and it appears that you are doing everything exactly as the video says, except what you come out with looks nothing like what the video says it should look like.

Or when you do a trick and you do the exact same motion over and over again and each time you get different results.

When a yoyo binds prematurely.


string that does not hold tension well

the prices.

everything else is 100% pure love for yoyoing.

My yoyo have me a solid uppercut right on the nose. That was pretty great…

Money is an issue.

I dislike that I can only stand on a certain part of my carpet for a little bit of time until I have to move because the carpet becomes warm under my feet. I like cool carpet. :slight_smile:


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oh god, knots take the number one for me when trying to learn new tricks.

Strings. Especially now that whips and slacks have become the predominate style of play. I have spent so much money on strings, bought just about every type on this site. Making my own now.

Prices, just can’t keep up with all the new shapes I want to try.

Bearing maintenance (side note: One Drops give you the LEAST problems? What the…? They’re notorious for needing a break-in period and being screechy during that period). I could do without. If all bearings had the characteristics of lightly lubed broken-in bearings (quiet, smooth, long-lasting) I would be happy.

Also the image rymvill22 posted. Haha!

hahaha yep.

also lefty tutorials.

The OneDrop bearings that I have had were quite exceptional. I also lube mine, so I haven’t heard much noises.

I lube mine, too. The “screech-in” period is well known and well documented! Not just talking from my own experience here.


Sure they don’t. :wink:

this is kind of an oddity, but if my yoyo is, for example, blue with orange splash, i have to have the side with more orange on it facing me 99.9999999999999999% of the time.

trying to learn anything that involves two yoyos >:(

being broke in a time where most yoyos i want are SOOOOOOOOOOOO cheap to purchase

i dont always cut my strings, but when i do i always cut them WAYYY too short :stuck_out_tongue:

when i almost got knocked out by my space cowboy at a very high velocity (ahh the memories(and the pain ;D))

that my local yoyo meets are at the absolute least a 20-30 minute drive to get to

i could keep typing for hours, but ill stop there :wink:

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people complaining about bearings… and threads like this.


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Yep, I agree, never used to see that as an issue in years past.

But Alexis JV…

I’ve had two Onedrop bearings, both had been used before, I guess I’ve never experience the “screech-in” period.
They both play like champs and hardly ever need maintenance though, and that’s what I like about them.
ANYWAYS, I don’t want to start another pointless argument with a good fellow yoyoer.

everything about it sux

that’s why we DOOO it. ::slight_smile:

because we hate ourselves and only indulge in things that make us miserable

Miserably good.

When i had a nasty knot then the yoyo prematurely return to me and hit my knuckles,ouch :’(.

And also for being a lefty,tutorials video are hard to understands sometimes.