What Yo-Yo should I get, any ideas? :S

Urmmm… Well, firstly the situation…
I have worked with YoYoJam’s Revolution for quite a while now, and it finally broke. The plastic has cracked, leaving the aluminium wheel, unstable. I have “repaired” it (Super-Glue ;D), but I know this is only temporary.
Secondly, my skill set and what I am looking for…
Well, according to the “Learn” tab here at YoYoExpert, I am a ‘Moderate Advanced’, meaning, I have pretty much, “passed” every tutorial leading to the end of “Advanced Part 1”. (To ya’ll, this may mean… I’m still a beginner :-[ )
Anyways, I’m looking for something to take me further, to take me into “Expert/Master”. I am also looking for a YoYo with, at least, some grinding capabilities.
Finally, but certainly not least, the budget.
I am fairly poor and my budget is anything up to £40 (~$60) :-.

Thanks for your help guys! ;D
Take Care… PEACE!

Di Base is good, its around £35.

Keep in mind tho with the di base it is almost impossible to get the bearing off it.

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Thanks :D, well appreciated and will consider :slight_smile:

The fundaMETALs are all great and in your price range.

Consider these…Protostar,Northstar,DV888,duncan Echo, Metropolis,yyj, chaser and any other bimetal like the cerberus.

I think the Raptor would be great for you. It’s stable enough to make it nice for practicing new tricks. Can also do grinds with it.

he wants some grinding capabilities so i say echo

Dont get di base. I just destroyed a bearing trying to get it of it.

even with a bearing tool its hard to get the bearing out of the di base? :frowning:

huh, well its not that difficult to get the bearing out of the di base, but it takes some time and a lot of wiggling with a bearing removal tool, not sure how u could of ruined a bearing unless u were using pliers or something ???

I have the dark magic 2 and I LOVE it! I’m on the master tricks right now so it’ll definitely take you where you want to go. it’s not the best for grinds but it gets the job done, although thumb grinds are pretty good once the caps are off.

^ seconded.

The echo is a really, really nice throw that has grooves on its surface to make grinding easier! It’s a great first metal too! Most of the time, its competitors are usually undersized throws. Smaller sized mean less sleeping times and most likely less stable/more prone to tilting, which can be somewhat frustrating while learning. The echo, on the other hand, is a full sized yoyo. Might be slightly oversized, but it will help you with learning your tricks (except for chopstick tricks).

It’s slightly cheaper than the DiBase, and you can use that money to get yourself a better bearing if you wish! Plus international shipping is quite expensive…does your ~$60 budget include shipping?

If you don’t like the echo for whatever reason, my second recommendation is the DiBase. Get the beadblasted ones (not the shiny ones…I think it’s the green and blue colors with the beadblast) since they grind so nicely! C3 has a reputation for creating the best beadblasts besides CLYW! They also put up a video on youtube of how to remove their bearings safely if you want to change your bearing. And the bearing that comes with is…ehhhh…it doesn’t release the full potential of the DiBase let’s say.

^ how to properly remove a bearing from the DiBase


Some AODA yoyos are good buys, and for cheap as heck.

Spend the extra $5 (not sure how many euros) and get a boss it is blasted so it grinds well and it was $84 but yyf wanted to get it into more players hands.

I’m thinking about getting YYF DV888 (£35/$54 Currently Sold Out) as well as a YYF ProtoStar (£23/$35 it’s on limited [unknown] time sale), however… which should I get first?? :S
Any Help?

Protostar is a great yoyo for learning tricks on, but not great for grinding. I don’t really care for the DV888 that much. So out of the 2, I vote for the Prototstar.

Protostar normally sells for about $35 in the US. Nice yoyo, well below your budget. Only bad thing is if you do grinding, it’s not great for that.

Odd part is that the dv888 at least in the US sells for like $45.

Both prices I mentioned are pretty much the normal retail selling prices.

Overall, which is better… Protostar or DV888?
NOTICE- I said OVERALL :smiley: