What tricks should I learn next?

First off thanks everyone here for the help ive learned a ton off just two posts. Heres a list of tricks that I can do:
Most basic tricks with responsive.
Unresponsive: (all with binds)
Man on trapeze and his brother.
Barrel rolls.
Basic laceration binds.
Almost have boingy boingy.

Not sure what to learn next. I eventually want to get to free style and mix and match tricks. Idk how to progress from here. Thanks!

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double or nothing

skin the gerbil

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double or nothing, the matrix, and then this:


And check out the Trick-a-Week thread. It’s been running for 4 years so there are a lot of cool tutorial ideas and lists.

Oh that’s cool!

as @AKYOYOMIKE said you join us in the trick a week thread. new trick tutorial posted every friday morning. if you have any trouble, just ask. it’s always easier to diagnose problems if you’re willing to film and post attempts, but in no way is it required. even if you can’t learn the whole trick in a week, picking up elements of it is way more helpful than you may initially realize. plus you’ll be able to get more of them than you may think and it’s a great confidence builder :muscle: hope to see you there

I checked them out they were too advanced for me lol

Ill try again but last time i went there i was stumped :joy:

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no worries! i get stumped often. if you scroll up in that thread there was a recent trick that i flat out said was beyond me, but everyone is very helpful and encouraging (and i did end up getting it). also, like i said, even if the trick as a whole eludes you temporarily, you still build your skill set of elements you are familiar with. elements are recurring across tricks so literally anything you learn helps in the long run. you will also find posts where someone had to work on a trick for an extra week or two but finally nailed it. you won’t be alone in any of that

but also, if it’s not fun for you, don’t do it. you shouldn’t feel pressure to. however you decide to play with your toy is the right way. just don’t be afraid to ask for tips and help in whatever path you decide to take. happy throwing! :v::call_me_hand:


Thanks thats reassuring and makes a lot of sense. This is all very fun for me but also very hard lol - which is probably what makes it so fun and satisfying when you finally land a trick youve been working on


Here’s a playlist of the first 50 yoyo tricks to learn. It’s not exactly how i would stack them, but its pretty good and nice as a rough guide. Ask questions about any thing you get stuck on and want help with. Also lots of them aren’t exactly like super cool tricks by themselves but it’s important to build a strong foundation so you can feel comfortable and not overwhelmed when you go to learn harder (and cooler) tricks later. Feel free to skip stuff also like good to learn everything, not good to struggle so much it’s not fun.


Check out the first year we started… honestly it’s worth it. I had 0 skills when i started TaW and i stuck with it for 3 years and it pays off.
There is really no wrong way to get better, practice any elements you enjoy and just keep at it.
I promise in 3 months you will surprise yourself with your progress


just got matrix down doing this now thanks

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on trick 35 thanks

got zipper, double or nothing (and matrix) and the foundations of skin the gerbil (which is actually pretty hard for me still working on it) but there we great to learn and definently challenged me - whats next? lol thanks

Idk if it’s been mentioned, but the Skills Addict app is pretty good for building a solid trick library. The original tricks are all staples, and the custom user submissions are just unending. You can also earn points to get actual skill toys, just gotta cover shipping. I’ve just about got enough to order a spin top, and have learned many tricks.

The tutorial isn’t always the best, I’ll end up looking up tuts on YouTube’, but it’s a good start.

You watch the tutorial and then record yourself doing the trick and submit it for community vote and comment. Most times you’ll get feedback on what you did wrong, or if you add some flair you can be given the points for the rewards.

Overall it’s pretty great, gets me more comfortable in front of a camera, and I’ve learned a bunch. Helps me with a routine of what to practice before bed, generally.

My user name is YoyoBuddy

Unfortunately it has a lot of ads to encourage using premium, but I haven’t subscribed

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sounds like a cool app ill give it a try thanks

buddha’s revenge is a fun one in that range


learning that today thanks

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