Where to now?

Trying to decide the next trick/combo/path for me. I’m not all that excited about body tricks, they’re awesome just not my main interest personally. I like tech tricks (i think I’m using that term accurately). Of the more intermediate tricks i know matrix, cold fusion, buddhas revenge pretty decently, just needs speed and cleaning up with practice. I’m starting to hit kwyjibo with better consistency same as boing e boing. I know trapeze slack, plastic whip, gyroscopic flop, atomic bomb, split the atom and brain twister. I think that’s a pretty decent overview of the tricks i cycle through.

That feels like more when i type it than it does when i do them. I feel like i know like 3 tricks when im playing. I’m starting to try to string them into combos like matrix>buddha>kwyjibo, but my spin is dying out by then. These are the types of tricks i really like.

With that picture of where i am, anyone got advice on next trick, combo, speed combo, or even missed fundamental? I’m open to suggestions from those of you who are much more versed on whats out there


This one may take some practice, but it is kind of tech/meta and is good for building combos


Nice work getting to where you are yo! I would recommend you learn the Kim Yeong Min trick we did for the first Trick-a-Week of the year.

It shouldn’t be much of a step up in difficulty from what you know already at all, just different maybe. The trick also has some really great yocabulary to learn that will be very helpful to know as you dive deeper into tech. And it’s just a cool picture trick that is fun to do and impresses non-yoyo people.

You can ask me any questions you have about the trick here or in the Trick-a-Week thread and I’ll be happy to help!


Nice suggestions, thanks! I like em. I’m open to a few more. I like working on a handful at a time so i can frustration cycle to a different trick when needed instead of just rage quitting lol Does trick a week follow any sort of difficulty progression?


Nope not really! They’re just like a variety of beginner/ intermediate tricks. We try to keep them accessible for most players that get through the first 50 tricks but it’s kind of hard to thread that needle so sometimes they skew easier or harder. You can see all the tricks we’ve gone through at the top of the thread and feel free to ask about any of them. I highly encourage everyone to learn whatever of them and not feel locked into doing like one trick every week. We’re very loosey goosey and the thread is more to just expose people to new content creators and tricks they might not have otherwise seen. I will say that learning the tricks last year that I might not have decided to learn if I was left alone helped me improve a ton. Like there’s a lot of value in learning different kinds of tricks and it’s a great way to improve. There are also 52ish tutorials in each of the past years TaW threads that would be worth looking at.


Perfect! Thank you sir!

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brother slack, skin the gerbil, magic drop ( you need to know magic drop for kamikaze), and kamikaze is what i recommend as next steps to build on things you know. this will ad Houdini mount and kamikazi mount to your fundamental mounts.


Oh dang i forgot i started skin the gerbil :laughing: I got like half down and then i guess i got distracted and forgot

Bonesplint is a nice one. Not too hard. Fun. Good learning experience.


Ok so first adjustment for me will be learning the trick without the supreme verbal breakdown like in first 50 and yye tuts :laughing:

Looks like he’s starting with a 1.5 mount and i see what he’s doing in many of the next few steps, but i can’t tell what that first step is with his thumb


lol yeah it is definitely an adjustment but it gets way easier to learn without the voices the more you do it.

You’re correct the trick starts with 1.5 mount. Then the Yoyo just goes in a circle around th index one time, normally this would just add an extra wrap around th index but for this one you will stick out your thumb so that the wrap is around both th index and thumb. Then you underpass the Yoyo so just press nth index into the string segment and have the Yoyo go over that finger. You should see a mini submount looking formation. Next create separation from the back string and you’re going to roll the Yoyo and string around and over the top of th, landing on the back string. Then drop the string off of both hands and curl to reveal the double tower looking picture. Then remove a string from the gap to reveal the star looking thing. Then go around the arm and drop all the strings to end in trapeze. Hopefully my text explanation can help fill in the gaps. Here is a video where I tried to highlight how the wrap around the thumb element works. I forgot I had the rest of the trick to do after I got the double tower so forgive the execution.


Perfect thank you. Video clarification was helpful too! Great angle and speed


Godspeed or some type of Rail combo as they are called is good to know. Hint hint, you don’t need to go fast! It’s a great way to transition from element to element.


Yes! I did start looking into that, i forget the one but yes i think those are gonna be fun and useful elements, thank you. I found a brief explanation on how/why speed combos got started. That was very interesting