What trick are you working on?

was gonna learn superman but pretty sure there’s a magic drop in that so scratch that.

Superman took me ages. It’s still my go to trick to make sure I’m on it. I try to get as many on a throw as I can.

i really want to learn it but the stupid magic drop. I need a nice long trick to learn. Everything I know is do short. It gets rather boring. I’ve been doing magic trick>cheese whip>spirit bomb>brent stole>super man or one of those whips from a trapeze.

Have you tried Branding? that’s a longer (not too long) string trick. I know “that guy who does yoyo tutorials with the blue background” from Billybob’s has tutorials of it on Youtube.

I agree though, while Spirit Bomb and Magic Trick are longer tricks and I’m glad I learned them, I’m ready to add more variety. Does Superman have a Magic Drop in it? I don’t recall it being mentioned. I can almost do the first step of Superman pretty smooth, with that hop through that triangle. I only have Spirit Bomb to thank for making this easier to learn. Where I lose it is after you roll back out of the double on, and swing it around your throw hand.

Besides that, my only way of making tricks longer is piecing together a bunch of shorter flowy intermediate tricks and repeaters. I may just suck it up and rethink things and rewatch (and study) rethinkyoyo’s tutorials. I just lose it when I’m watching a trick , then goes to a long onscreen title, then onto the next trick. I find it easier when there’s just narration to go with what’s being done rather than doing the first part, wait and read, then next step, then yoyo spins out on me.

The part of Super man you are stuck on is where the magic drop type of rejection is supposed to happen.

that’s how I do all my tricks. Lol you know it. Just string one after the other. Though I been having some chest discomfort, my Dr thinks I might be yoyoing to much.I told him “nah, your crazy. That can’t be it.” Looks like I need some short combos that doesn’t move my nth arm alot.

There are about a dozen or more other trick binds you have just unlocked by knowing sky bind! :wink:

Just as a starter:

  1. do the sky bind motion, but do it GENTLY so that you just hop the yoyo up onto your throwhand finger for a finger grind.
  2. Because it started as a sky bind, the string is laying down over top of the yoyo now while the yoyo grinds.
  3. Still using the throwhand, quickly hop the yoyo up into the air, which completes the sky bind.
  4. Dust off your shoulders while your audience says “Whoah, ain’t YOU fancy?”

Alright, you just sparked my next thing to try when I go on break (in a long 2 hours from now). Sky binds alone are pretty fun so I can only imagine throwing in a finger grind with it :slight_smile:

At the end of my first combo in this video (ie. around 0:18) I do a very similar variation. It’s a short grind that’s just a transition for the “throwing forward” motion:


But the one I described is otherwise exactly the same. Let it grind a moment longer, then throw it either up for forward.

Since I’m on a roll: same “finger grind” transition, but instead of hopping up OR throwing forward, let the yoyo just fall off the grinding finger while slapping the slack underneath the yoyo. (the slack has to feed into the gap or it won’t bind; hence the slap!)

This Guy right here ^^^^  Loved every second of that video. That was awesome!

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Glad you liked it! It’s a fun “snapshot”… I think (I HOPE!) I’m better at virtually all of those tricks now, but it’s a moment in time, y’know? I think it conveys both the concentration it takes (for me) but also the fun I have in playing yoyo. Mid-trick, I’m all locked in and it’s like, “You gotta relax, dude!” but then I hit the bind and it’s like, “hooray! I pulled it off!” :wink:

(edit) I don’t know why I quoted you without any response, I thought I had typed something out but didn’t…why one should never trust their phones when posting on YYE :slight_smile:

Anyway, I’ll need to look more at this trick/move. Mean time today brings me going back to the intermediate tricks and polishing Kwijibo. That was one of those tricks that I landed and once I did, I didn’t keep at it to perfect it…didn’t dedicate my time to it like I did with Spirit Bomb.

Working on lotus bloom and almost got the last few parts figured out.

Also kwijibo. Having trouble making this flow.

Wish I could practice right now. Stupid rain storm rolled in.

Lotus Bloom… that first underpass is where I lose it. Their secondary camera angle is a joke as the yoyo player’s arm is right in the way of the strings that intersect. I ended up watching this frame by frame earlier. I will get this, eventually :slight_smile:

Note on earlier part of the conversation: the Magic Drop in Superman is somehow easier than the normal trapeze one. I think it’s because the formation is already tighter, making the rejection happen pretty easily. I learned Superman before Magic Drop, so don’t let that put you off!

I’m still tinkering around with Magic Drop, trying to find that sweet spot for hand placement. I can get this maybe 40% of the time to happen. Just figuring out the mechanics of how this string rejection is even being made to happen. I have read it’s all in the angle of your throw hand, best to have the string close to the tip of your throw hand index finger, and having your throw hand aiming straight up, fingers like you’re “making a gun”.

As far as me doing Superman, Part 1 was pretty easy for me. Part 2 needs some practice. I have yet to study the rest of the trick (and seeing that rejection) as I’m taking each maneuver 1 at a time. I have a feeling I’ll nail this trick though before I perfect Magic Drop or even Shockwave :slight_smile:

sweet, looks like I know what trick I’m learning next.

Finally figured out lotus bloom. Now to make it flow.

Edit: got some practice in at work and I got lotus bloom flowing quick smoothly and quickly. Really lovin this trick.

Nice, you nailed it!

This is going to be one of those tricks that’s going to require lots of watching, rewatching, and taking it a move at a time. So many subtle movements with the fingers, not sure how I’m even going to do this (yet).

Meanwhile, decided to visit a simpler, flowy repeater trick that’s a bit rough right now but I think by the week’s end if I keep at it, I’ll nail it smoothly.

Thrown with my new TooHot

Good work, guys!

I don’t know what trick to work on… Seems like everyone else is doing some awesome stuff