What should I do? (Shoysauce)

If the young mans parents are now involved (as previously stated) I am sure things will be remedied. I also am fairly certain the Internet will be missing him for a while.

Yes, but they are all separate incidents. Regardless, it’s small potatoes to the post office. The postal inspectors look for the big scores. A couple of yoyos don’t rate much to them, regardless of what you think about them.

Note that I’m not saying don’t do it, just don’t expect the post office to get your yoyos back.

Glad the issue is sorta resolved…did my best to guilt him into sending them…sorta worked, at least for a few people. We will try to make sure everything is accounted for and returned. Very sorry to anyone who was involved. Glad this is coming to an end. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yah, special thanks to Deeman, for typing a ton and helping work this out with one arm.


so i used yellow pages and called him… talked to his dad hell"be shipping my stuff back."
anyways my dad is a lawyer in this area of practice and hed love to press charges for all of our items lost if not returned! >:( >:( >:( >:( my battosai AND a punchiline!!!

I emailed him but he never emailed back

It’s sad to see these incidents popping up lately. But it also makes me proud that members of the community are stepping out up and helping even when they weren’t involved.

I just want to say the kiddo tried to scam me as well. He offered me his punchline for my 54 (red flag #1). I told him since he had 0 feedback and no way for me to check out his references(red flag #2) that he would send first with a tracking number once the numbered showed up on usps I would ship out. he claimed that “his” post office charges $5 for tracking (red flag #3) and didn’t pay it but that he shipped it out on 1 JUN 12. Here it is 2 weeks later and nothing in my mail box. I am not out anything but he did try… good thing i saw the flags and didn’t ship out when he gave me his word.


edit Forgot to add the had said he was leaving for vacation out of the country on the 8th so if I could please ship out asap

hah that was the punchline he scamed of me he actually shipped my stuff back and i got it all today

Mail fraud: Here’s little tidbit for all of you who think the postal inspectors will help you get your $100 yoyo back…

This is the kind of work the postal inspectors are paid to do and what they thrive on. Not trying to burst anyone’s bubble here, just pointing out the reality of it all.

I know that scammers like Shoysauce are the minority in this community. But it still sucks to see stuff like this taking place. It only seems to have become a lot more common over the years too.

Thieves and scammers shouldn’t have a place in this community. They should be made an example of. Anything less, and we are only making ourselves look like easy targets.


He scammed me but we talked on the phone through the whole transaction. He ended up sending me back my stuff and an extra bearing and string to make it up to me. He said he leaves for camp in about a week and some people who he scammed have not contacted him yet, so if you were scammed, please email him soon if you want it back before September


The last time I spoke to him, only me and two other guys one with punch line and battosai and another guy with a code1 had contacted him. Try emailing him another time

BigBigCheese = shoysauce!!! lol, He said he got scammed by shoysauce but BigBigCheese’s account was not even registered when shoysauce was scamming… lol, and BigBigCheese said he got scammed by him… :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
mind blowing!!! Also he only has 2 posts, both on this thread! but in the end just email shoysauce!

Twas what I thought…

That pathological little liar has a bright future ahead of him. ::slight_smile:

Thanks for the heads up on this.

no problem! :wink: