What’s your favorite yoyo?

Tuning all in 4ths makes the use of movable patterns so much easier! It’s not as practical for guitar, especially if you want to use open and bar chords, but that not an issue with this instrument. Plus, easy enough to tune the high 2 strings down a 1/2 step, if I want to mess with that.

Muting the open strings is definitely an important technical aspect of playing this thing!

I grudgingly have to say, it’s hard to beat the all around goodness of the Wangle for an unresponsive yoyo. I was meh about it at first. I think I was biased against it when I got it, but it just does almost everything really well. So yeah, a favorite.


As someone who plays both guitar and bass, that tuning would drive me absolutely insane. I get the concept of why you’d use that tuning, but there’s no way I could overcome the muscle memory of the last two strings. That is an absolutely gorgeous bass though, if I ever get a 5-string I’d want a wood grain like that. My Ibanez is sports car red, which is nice but idk I feel like bass is an instrument that works really well with a natural wood look.

Speaking of wood, my Lowkey Throws Woodland is my favorite responsive yoyo. The zebrawood with brass is just perfection. It’s a really nice compact pocket throw too.


Blues scales definitely take some getting used to on it, after guitar. Other scales seem so much easier.

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