What is your preferred string length for 1A style tricks?

I have been doing bellybutton length since… forever really. Do you tend to find a slightly longer string more forgiving when you start getting into more complex 1A tricks?

Long honkin’ strings. Harder to learn with tricks but they certainly make suicides and slack tricks more flashy. In my opinion long string means harder for the most part but I could understand why people might like it more because it’s harder to tangle too. I just find it harder because the long string has more give when it comes to how much your yoyo can move on its plane


I tie the string off at the base of my sternum for 1A, three fingers above my belly button for 0A and responsive 1A/5A play, and in between sternum and belly button for 5A


Good thread with answers to this question


Oh sweet, this is a great thread. Thanks!

Ive since gone a little shorter for unresponsive 1A, now I’m doing 3 fingers below the base of my sternum which ends up being 2” shorter than I was using before. Not a big difference, but makes things a lot easier to control.


I keep it at the beginning of the belly button (the upper part going from the sternum), by experience I noticed with very long string control goes a bit away but it depend how you play and your style to some people a very long string work, with long string play horizontal become a chore for sure and slacks are slower.
I noticed with a string from your belly button it’s easier to control speed combo, complex combos, horizontals and slack, there are no issues on have enough string, is everything more “tight” to your body and easy to manoeuvre.


A touch above my sternum height ish. Belly button length for me makes some of my tricks literally impossible and the slacks don’t look as cool bc I like the slacks to look big and swooshy. Belly button is better for control and landing most tricks and also playing fast but I’m not good enough to play that fast all the time though like my brain can’t keep up…I’m also in a hard whip phase and the extra length makes whip to whip to whip to whip easier…if y’all think this is too long…hush I don’t want to be string shamed today hah! I also go through phases and keep a shorter string (like halfway between sternum and belly button ) on some of my 1a yo-yos also I’m 5’10” for what it’s worth bc I don’t usually measure w a ruler but I should…

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