This zipline strings tool is amazing, but it’s also too thick for thinner gaps like fixed axles. What do you use to untie knots?
I honestly just unscrew the yoyo, unless it’s a fixie…then I use pointy tweezers.
A plastic yarn needle I got from Airetic.
I worked at a discount tire a couple of years ago, and kept my toolbelt. This is used for taking caps/covers off of lugnuts without damaging them. Idk what its actually called. It’s great for getting out knots. Cant beat it
My favorite tool is a New string.
The Airetic string pickers are super nice. Tooth pick are also cool, and darning needles (as seen in Tips and tricks by @Exmime) look nifty as well.
Recently started using a sewing seam ripper and really like it. thin enough to fit in most gaps and really good at fitting into even tight knots
These Bamboo needles are the trick for smaller gaps and fixes
I hand make my own string picks using anodized aluminum wire made of an alloy that is softer than 6061, so it doesn’t scratch yoyo finishes.
They go on my custom yoyo holsters.
My teeth.
Great design.
I use the String Pick @Kray designed and it works pretty awesome!
I use the plastic toothpick from a Swiss Army Knife keychain for knots. The scissors are useful for cutting the string as well.
Ah, me too.
i have a titanium toothpick i use, wasn’t why i bought it but its become its sole use, stays on my keychain, never looses the point