What is your favorite small throw?

Considered small by today’s extremely enormous standards. The One Drop Y-Factor. Forever and always in my top 10. 50mm of sheer performance.

All I’m reading from your reply is “I need to get a Duccling” :duck:

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If you like micros then yes lol.

There are a few suggestions on this thread that I woukd like to get my hands on, but i definitely recommend it out of my RCS micro collection. It surprised me, I got it on an impulse when I got my toonie and ended up preferring it.

If RCS ever makes a binetal duccling id be all in lol.

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I got to try out a Loonie recently and stoked that you say the Duccling is even better than that! Can’t say I’ve tried most of the ones mentioned on this thread, but would definitely add another :heavy_plus_sign: :one: on the DD Assassin :heart:

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Goodlife Valley is my favorite. I used it so long I really think I play better with it than with most bimetals. I really enjoyed testing out the Motion Parallel too. Hope to get my hands on one some day.

The Yoyofactory Five is becoming my favorite little yoyo


How is it?
Mines coming tomorrow and I’m gettin hyped


All of these! Top favs … my modded ace and the mongoose


Its over 61 grams without stacks and under 65 with stacks. Only vibe I’ve seen is from bad throws.


Does anyone else find small/undersized throws play better with thinner strings?


My outlier mini has a standard bearing and pads so no.

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depends on the bearing and gap. i usually like thinner strings on anything with an A size bearing. I have a rain city loonie and it works great with the oh canada thin string. I also have a rain city busker and it is a little bigger with a C bearing. it also works good with thin string, but can easily handle normal without issues. Also, i find the steel shutter works really well with a concave A bearing and normal string.

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id love to try the steel shutter! i love undersized yoyos and the shutter is one of my favorite yoyos, they are tough to find!

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I don’t have that many undersized(< 50mm) throws yet, can’t comment on the gaps but that makes total sense. On the ones with smaller bearings, like the D bearing on my Assassin, I find it less snaggy in general. It’s not a major gamechanger, but just seems like a natural fit? :slight_smile:


Yeah i absolutely love my assassin. Hopefully a v3 is among us !