Best undersize yoyo?

What’s your favorite under size practice throw? I don’t mean micro yoyo like the Toonie, or Mighty flea. I mean like the steel Shutter mini, Yoyofriends TiNy, Mini Humming Bird. etc Anyone tried the Dink? The Snack?


Slightly bigger than the others, but I still consider it undersized.


888 and Sparrow.

I have the outlier mini, and i say that its pretty dang good


Steel shutter and outlier mini are both great options.

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I love my Recess Snack. I dont have other minis to compare though but it plays just as good as any of my standard metal yoyos. Great little practice throw. Part of the reason i havent worried about other minis is because the snack just worked so well for that slot in my collection.


It’s not hyper-undersized but it still fits the bill with what everyone is posting, so i volunteer the Capstan '22. Great colorways, good feel, and unique in how well it responds for using standard 19 mm pads with a d-bearing, making it unconventional.


The Snack is an amazing throw, but I have found true undersized delight in the Haymaker OG, and the Motion Parallel. Both are just phenomenal throws. They are considered undersized by most, I think, but they feel just right to me.


Tankette goes so hard. So light yet still respectable power. If we’re talking smaller, then the mini hbird plays very solid on the string compared to the TiNY which i remember having to be very gentle with


Motion Parallel


I’ve really wanted to try the Tankette as well. Such a cool design, and that red and brass color scheme looks so darn classy. If only they all cost a nickel.

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Love my Spyys, but also a solid one is the Assassin. Plays like a full size.


To me this Yoyo is is smaller than a undersized Yoyo but i really like it!

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If you like cheap yoyo and you like raw or silver yoyos, I think you should get the magicyoyo n6.

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Probably the YYR Messiah for me. I’m not too fond of undersized throws personally (50-52mm is what I consider undersized fwiw, below that I view as minis). I find they usually feel either very solid and dense or, if they feel more pleasantly light then they tend to lack some spin.
The Messiah strikes a decent balance, though it’s definitely very compact feeling. It’s great for manoeuvring through dense string tricks.

What I briefly tried of a (pretty dinged) Apathy felt like a reasonably performant throw while still feeling decently light.

I use the snack or the glide when I need a small yoyo.

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Ace hands down



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YoyoFreaks Hashtag

My top 3 in no order would be Assassin, Dink, 50/50. I like the TIny and Masamini alot too. Snack and/or little league are total rippers as well. 888 too.

I like small.