I am wondering what everyone’s favorite small yoyo is. specifically something to practice competition tricks on.
DD Assassin and nothing comes closer
I second this.
3rd vote for the Assassin. I own 2 now.
assassin is my favorite throw under 50 mm thing is a tank as well!
Been obsessively shredding all my hardest to hit tricks on my yuuksta today!
Love it
If you are wanting to work on precision with a smaller throw, I’d go after something with less width.
The Ditch did the trick for me.
Second vote for ditch.
Einstien and furn have been great. The Freehand mini is pretty good as well!
Empathy Apathy.
Not only good for practice but also good for competition too
Definitely not for competition, but responsive Rcs mobile gamer is awesome imo
Mini Banshee
One drop M1
Small throw for practice? Recess Snack!
Tiny but fully capable.
Gotta go with The Ditch.
I am currently using the offset outlier mini.
Width? Slim Dunk or Panorama.
Diameter? Yokel.