What is the worst yoyo you own?

All of them are junk. None of them can do any decent tricks… :upside_down_face:


So I use some pretty thin string. I use the Duncan generic string on it; it is so thin I sometimes double wrap.

I have also put Badwolfco’s slimms in there as well and I think they work wonders, but they come long and I hate cutting string (long string gang), so I don’t use them often. If I do put them on, they are pre-used on a higher-end yoyo

If you haven’t already, you may want to clean the bearing and change the pads. The Metal Racer uses Duncan SG pads, but I have found that YYF Whites also work well (I put blue pads in once and almost broke my face).

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I’ve noticed a theme in this thread; there is an expectation that a Ford Fiesta should be equal to Lamborghini Huraca’n, to use an automobile analogy.


YoyoFactory Velocity:
I learned to bind on this throw, but it eventually lost its responsive capability.

Eppendorf 5920 R:
It was free, not bad for the price


Just out of curiosity, why would you not cut the string? They’re made long so that they work for people of all heights, I don’t want tall people to have string that’s too short and it’s easier to make it long for everyone so you can just cut it to size. I always cut a few inches off mine.


Along that line, the YYJ Journey is one of my all time favorite players. Comparatively one could say it is in that realm price wise.


Whatever this yoyo is:


Fast 201. Too grabby. Not enough sleep time. Just an udder departure from the Bumble Bees I had come to love. Still have it but was not impressed.


turntable 2. its a fine yoyo. its just that for a bimetal it doesn’t sleep the amount that its supposed to. it literally doesn’t sleep even as long as the Yomega glide that I have.

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After 100 answers… I keep wondering what my yoyos are thinking about me.

“This is the worst owner ever, boh.”


Yoyo be …

“Don’t vibrate, don’t vibrate, keep it together Lenny. Just get through this horizontal. Don’t want to end up like Shaking Steve”


Just like with people, not all yoyos will like their owners and daydream about the day they will have a nicer owner.


An old Duncan Butterfly with very short spin time. It is a main reason that I refuse to give cheap yoyo’s to anyone. It discouraged me from learning tricks because it did not spin long enough. Now I try to give decent yoyo’s like First Base. I wonder what it would be like if someone had given me a First Base as a first yoyo.


The travesty of a throw on the left is a Beboo N12, pictured with a MagicYoyo N12 for scale.

Vibes harder than Hendrix and is less stable than a new born Bambi, but I guess it does have hubstacks…


I dunno, I hate wasting that little bit of string, so I use all parts of the string to the max.

They start their life with about 1-2 inches cut off, then they are used on my most prestigious yoyos/comp yoyos. Then, once they are too worn for high comp practice, I put them on fun yoyos: 5a, 4a, 3a, fun 1a (relaxed style), and 0a. They are then used until they nearly break/break (which I have found takes a whole lot of work, so really nice job on the string), to which I then use them on scouting trips to start fires.

With the Duncan strings, they are really cheap and they come relatively short, so I do not need to cut them, so that is why I don’t.

For me personally, I just do not like cutting string unless I have to because I like those long and sloppy slacks and needing to keep my hand at my chin level. That’s why I do not cut strings :grinning:.


you burn polyester strings?


poly/nylon, but yeah. They are really good for those damp days where we cannot find anything to use as kindling.


Erm cover your mouth, the smoke is toxic I believe, or am I being a little mummys boi


Duncan Mel-Yo-Dee
It played the old “Duncan theme”. Everyone wants to hear it, but no one wants to hear it for a hour straight. The sound board rattles in there giving plenty of vibe. It also had the sound board in one half and the other was empty so it was unbalanced that way too.


Yes, but no more toxic than burning gas. I still would not burn them in large amounts though. :upside_down_face:

Actually, this is the main reason that houses these days burn so hot, quick, and toxic: all the petroleum based products in your house.

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