Worst yoyo you've ever seen?

hi there, i really like finding truly awful yoyos and trying to do cool stuff with them (one of the worst ones ive used was a general electric branded aluminum yoyo that screamed when it slept at the bottom of the string) i wanna know what other terrible yoyos people have found over the years.


This one. Hollow tin, given to me at a fair by the Pick-a-Duck lady in return for entertaining her by trying to play it.

Weighs next to nothing, no bearing, practically unusable but I value it sentimentally as a memento of funny times.




For me, the Rain City Skills Dumpster Fire is legendary. A simple trapeze might qualify as “doing cool stuff” with this thing.


The MAGA yo-yo.




No wonder its terrible.

I have a couple with smiley faces on them. Terrible yo-yos but they’re also a fun challenge and my grandma gave them to me because she knows I like yo-yos and I don’t have a lot of people who appreciate that about me.


Haha I should clarify that I added that to avoid confusion, since in the picture it almost looks like it’s got a grooved bearing but that’s just where the two halves are riveted together. I realize now that it sounded like I was snubbing fixies, didn’t mean to do that!

This yoyo I couldn’t even loop with because it was so light.



I never noticed that they put a centering bearing in it :rofl:


Not terrible, just diffcult to use properly in my opinion, but the yyf nine dragons will give you a challenge. Thow a g5 in it to really amp up the confusion.

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I remember when the Dumpster Fire was released.

I remember before the release, the Najer wasrned people the yo-yo was deliberately designed to be very difficult to play.

Seemed like reasonably clear information and advice.

Based on some of the reactions from early buyers, it’s almost like they Either disregarded his words…. Or just misunderstood them.

Some buyers actually kinda liked the yo-yo because it was so Lame and featureless.

Others felt like got duped out of good money because they thought ‘they were buying some kind of challenge and not just throwing money down the toilet.

Personally, I never bought one, thought about buying one, seen one in person or had any urge to try one.

I think any yo-yo player with a decent number of yo-yos, already has one that Sucks.

I couldn’t see any reason to buy a new yo-yo that was designed to SUCK.

I think the Maker should have let his ‘Joke’ yo-yo ride for a few weeks and then announced he would offer a Big discount on his next release to anybody that could prove they owned one.

He did nothing special or amazing. With a few tools, any of us could make a piece of somewhat playable Junk.

That, somebody at a Professional level could prove they could make and sell something with a pointless nuisance value is just that > Pointless

It did prove one thing notable.

It proved that some people will buy anything even after the Maker warns them it Sucks in every way.

Not only a waste of money…… but it is easily one of the Ugliest yo-yos ever to exist.

So… it was successful on several levels: Sucks,cost more than it should have and very Ugly and obviously a bucket of fun to catch.


If I remember correctly, the DF came with both a flat bearing filled with trash (literally) and a centering bearing. And, well, I’m not proud of this, but I went with the centering bearing because I needed all the edge I could get. More predictable binds are a blessing with this thing!


That’s just the thing, doc, I don’t have that many yoyos. So I was due for one that really sucked! It was my duty to get the Dumpster Fire because my ratio of good:bad yoyos was too high.

I can never sell it.


The Dumpster Fire just annoys me. The concept of making something to be really bad because its funny has just one downfall… The result is a bad yoyo. :laughing:

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Ugly AF, but if you seen one just let me know though


Beyond the name of the yoyo, a written warning, and the hideous appearance, not sure what else could have been done. You can lead a horse to water … :joy:

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I actually think that looks cool. Like a poisonous frog you might see in a documentary.

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There was a maga yoyo?

I actually really like this! I think it may create a strobe effect when it slows slightly - like my Recess Joyride. It kinda messes with my eyes a little. P.S. I am not saying the Joyride belongs in this thread…


Yea i was just joking, its gorgeous and i want it lol