What is the Rarest Throw you have in you collection?

Hmmm…It’s a YoyoExpert colored half/half too. I don’t usually seek out the half/halfs, but if you ever want to part with it… ;D

Thanks, I’d definitely be interested.

Cool, thanks for the info, guess that qualifies it as one of my more rare ones.



yea,now the entheos and the 65 gram prestige,ied prolly shoot something for those XD

It’s on instagram… @ericsun44

I also tagged you

I know you and besides that if I ever want to trade (which I won’t in a long time cause someone gave it to me at VA states 2013 best day of my life) I know you will take good care of it after I saw ya with at VA states.


Special 44 and a Panther :wink:



Steve that S.Kon revolver ugh I love it. When was it made?

you know i would Ms.Abby and i couldnt blame you,sentimental value is key to making something special.