I have Richard’s Super Photon Spirit upstairs at the moment. He is always playing my plastic one, so time for him to get a decent one. He’s gotten quite a haul this year so far. Rally, Speedaholic, Shutter, Fiesta XX(replacing his old one), OneStar(his request), Go Big, PGM, Loop 360(pair) and plenty of others. I think I also got him another kendama and a pill this year. He still does play his G-Funk. Yeah, he’s 7 and he’s got metals. The other day, he was thinking there was something not right with his Rally, so I handed him my Electric Flash to play while I was seeing if the Rally was OK. It needs the bearing cleaned soon. The funny think was at CalStates, he needed his new WHIP string up(YYE booth purchase) so I handed him my Burnside while I was putting a new string on the WHIP. I got mixed reactions from people, from “wow” to “why would you put that yoyo in his hands?” The kid, at home, is routinely going through all my cases and playing whatever he feels like it, which includes One Drops, CLYW and more.
My eldest, she’s starting to show actual interest thanks to the NED show and she being a touch better than the “other kids” because she’s had previous experience. If she is willing to put in the effort, I’m not sure what I’m gonna get for her. She probably wants a DM2. Seems everyone wants a DM2 in this house. Right now she’s on her Legacy II and Chaser, so that’s sufficient for now. She’s lost the wide bearings, so I’ll need to replace those when she’s ready to learn to bind, but she has a Starlight, so she has an unresponsive yoyo to migrate to. She also has a Shinwoo Loop, Duncan ProZ, Duncan Pulse and a couple of others. At 9, she’s getting started perhaps “early” for a girl. She is nearly 10. She needs to “prove it” to me. I’ll help her all she wants, but I question her dedication to it. I think the fact that she might be “better” at something than someone else is her motivation right now. I am trying to get her to do Brain Twister and split bottom mount right now. She can walk the dog, rock the baby, jamaican flag and Eiffel Tower. Trapeze is a ways off yet but she’s closer to it than she’s willing to admit.
My 2nd youngest is trying to express an interest. She can’t throw a brain hard enough to get it to come back. Once she can do that, there’s a ProZ for her to migrate to. She’s 4, nearly 5. She’s simply not throwing the yoyo hard enough yet. In the meantime, she can wear down strings on the Brain.
The youngest is simply not old enough in my opinion, approaching 3.
My wife hasn’t touched her pink DM2 in months. Why? Honestly speaking, she doesn’t have the time for it.
For those who need to know, all 4 of my kids do have kendamas though. I think the second youngest lost hers. I gotta see if she can find it. We may get my brother in law’s kid a kendama so she isn’t left out of the skill toy fun.
Christmas, under my “rule”, should be a lot more peaceful, enjoyable and free from outside negativity.