What do you do with your dead string

Thanks brother!!

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I was told by a guy i met at worlds in Cleveland to put them in a sock tie it shut and throw em in the washer. Then you can reuse them. Gotta admit i havent tried it yet though🤷🏿‍♂️


This definitely works. I’ve washed strings before, you just have to make sure they are not too wore out and frayed. Especially around the end of the string. They’ll usually regain some bounce but it’s not going to be like brand new. It’ll get you along for a fair bit longer though! I usually do it when I’m super low on strings haha!

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I’ve been saving it up with the intention of casting it in resin so I can make fun things out of it.

I have the string…I have the resin…now all I need is the time to actually do it.


Into the trash.

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One of my daughters brought this home from the free book bin at our local library.

I might see if I can find some inspiration for a yoyo trick.


Pro Tip: Do not give a yoyo string ball to your dog. I did and now whenever I leave the slightest bit of string hanging out she snatches it and runs off. Today she nosed open the yoyo case on my bed and took out a Butterfly and was in the hall knawing on the string. She seems to prefer Kitty fat.


sometimes i tie them around my wrist and add them to my stack of bracelets :slight_smile:
