What are your favorite underrated companies?

they also have the most ironic names for their yoyo’s they go from the pixy to the man

I know One Drop is now getting more popular but I just can’t put my Code 1 down. Bravo one drop awesome job

One Drop is one of (and possibly the) most popular manufacturer in North America so as great as they are I don’t think you could class them as underrated.

TMBR , Adegle

Anything I can help with? I tested each Smooth Move extensively before I sent them anywhere, send me an email if you’d like and we can discuss :slight_smile: NickGumlaw@email.com
Spin Dynamics

Well, I haven’t tried many “underrated companies” yet. I still consider myself “new” to yoyoing even though I’ve been at it for 2+ years but my favorite is SPYY. I know it’s not really underrated but the Dynamo is awesome!

Well I would say double take industries but…
Xcube and Duncan are rarely talked about along with dif-e-yo I shouldn’t even have to mention Chico or rec-rev…

duncan is the first that comes to mind. Really, their screaming eagle line is incredible and it doesn’t get enough recognition.

Secondly, c3. They have amazing yoyos and I really don’t feel like they’re getting enough publicity.

And finally, although this may sound strange, yomega. While they don’t have the best reputation here in the community, they have recently revamped a lot of their yoyos to use c sized bearings, standard response, etc. Their yoyos really play now and they aren’t getting nearly enough recognition for it.

Chico Yo Yo Co
Foxland Precision


As stephosh said, Foxland Precision. They make some killer throws, for cheap prices, and a lot of yoyoers don’t even know them. They also manufacture Ten Yoyos throws.