What are you throwing today?

Spin Dynamics Flow and Alter Ego.

OUT just for fun

B-Grade KLR, plays better than most of my A-Grades.

hitman x! such a fun throw.

its a shame yoyojam never got around to revamping all the classic metal rimmed yyjā€™s like this. Iā€™d love a speeder x or an xconvict x lol.


Magic Yoyo M003 ;D just got it in the mail 8)

I hope it throws as good as it looks.

It does, and the green really takes over the color when itā€™s spinning. Great price too, I recommend it!

Gung fu

Milk and Avalanche

Pulsefire kind of day :fire:

Still at hospital and forget ti bring any yoyo

I took some shots for a new Eternal Throw proto being released at PNWR!

New arrival, a good friend got it for me as an early birthday gift.

Woah. Awesome color.


Its the only one i haveā€¦

A Goody Twirler. ;D

YYF Metal Replay

OD Rally of the Mango variety. Just got this bad boy in the mail a couple days agoā€¦wowzers. How did they make such a dead-smooth, agile, amazing throw like this?! Iā€™m having a lot of trouble putting this down. Itā€™s on a totally different level. And here I was thinking my Diffusion 2 was the best plastic Iā€™d ever playedā€¦ Iā€™m having a hard time deciding which one I like more! ;D

Keeping the bonfire going today